ForTheRobot’s Dragon Warrior (Standard Mode) Season 25 / 26

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Early game look for, Alexstrasza's Champion x2 and a Dragon, Fire War Axe comes in a very close 4th. Coin into Alexstrasza's Champion if you have charge first turn. Perfect opening consists of both Alexstrasza's Champions being dropped on turn 1 and 2 (with coin). If not, Try to get one out, follow with a taunt of either Monkey or Twilight Guardian, then try to stall into late game, focusing on board clearing board with Battlecries, don't be afraid to attack face! Jeweled Scarab has been added into the mix, Discover a 3 drop card for the game.

*Update* 4/27/2016

I have managed to take myself from Rank 15 to Rank 9 in Standard Ranked using this deck, BGH was changed, and is a flexible Card to be used. It was replaced with Brawl for a large board clear. The Shieldblock that used to be run was replaced by Jeweled Scarab for a 3 drop Discovery instead.


I think Deathwing, Dragon Lord may have its way into this deck sometime, I haven’t experimented yet, but Ysera and Chromaggus are the only 2 Dragons you want to pull onto the board with the Dragon Lord Deathrattle.

Dragon Warrior ready for Standard Mode play.

Deck allows for flexible Rush or Late-Game play. Nexus-Champion/Ysera are your value cards for drawing endlessly. Nexus-Champion also acts as a pseudo-taunt mid-game, being opponents will attempt to remove it first. Lots of tech allows for control over the late-game. Try to draw out your opponents “hard removal” spells early game, so you are able to keep your value cards late game. Chromaggus has synergy with draw cards, Azure, Slam, Shield Block. He is also a pseudo-taunt for late-game, don’t be afraid to use slam on him if you have no other options. 

You can use 1 Cruel Taskmaster early game, but try to save one for the Grommash Hellscream combo. Opponents usually don’t expect it coming from this Dragon deck. Don’t always save this as the “killing blow”, sometimes it is useful to attack face with the combo to apply major pressure onto your opponent, forcing them to remove him for a turn.

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