DR/Aggro DH

Class: Demon Hunter - Format: hydra - Type: aggro - Season: season-101 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

only keep Kryxis with Razorfen. This is the same mulligan againist every strategy other than aggro. 

Aggro Mulligans

Againist aggro decks you want to make small tokens to get rid of their pressure and then make a lot of pressure with your giant and also draw a ton with feast

The goal of the deck is to delete the opponents health with lots of pressure.

The absolute nuts with this deck is going first with these cards in hand: Tuskpiercer, Battleworn Vanguard, and Magnifying Glaive. Then draw 2 dispose of evidence by turn 4 with Tuskpiercer drawing Kryxis then on turn 4 pop off by playing both dispose then play kryxis with an empty hand then hit face for 8-12 and refill your hand.

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