DemoNoidX’s Purify Priest

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-29 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

This is the dream hand to play on curve. Max tempo.

Aggro Mulligans

Keep board presence until you draw a silence and clear the board in the meantime

Midrange Mulligans

Have a board presence. Dead turns may sometimes cost you.

Combo Mulligans

Taunt up the right time and make sure enemy removal is wasted.

Control Mulligans

Early big threats to force removal and answers from mid game going to late game.

The deck is polished and finalized. ( Original Inspiration and Deck Structure from TSM Kripparrian )

Although Purify was and still is presented as a joke and a bad card which I have no right to say otherwise, I still very much enjoy any games with this deck and I’d like to share my experience with it last season and how since the ranks got reset, am willing to “Purify” the ladder up to Legend. I might post progress on twitter.


First off I need to make clear that the majority of your games on ladder will be against aggro decks, so you need to get lucky and draw some board presence and silence effects before your face gets mowed down by chargers and aggresive cards.

The sooner your statues, ( Ancient Watcher and Eerie Statue ) attack the better since they become a target that needs to get removed as soon as possible due to their high stats and if ANY removal is used to clear them it’s all in your favor since the rest of the deck is packed with huge threats.

You are extremely in favor playing against Control decks and especially Warrior, since if Barnes generates any big minions and you silence it them it’s original stats your, opponent will have a hard time removing twice or more since the deck has Resurrect.

Against Aggro you have a good amount of board clears and efficient ways of removing many low cost minions. Faceless Shambler helps you stabilize if you have Ancient Watcher or Eerie Statue on the board even if they’re not silenced, while Shadow Madness offers a nice way to setup an Excavated Evil while at the same time removing a small threat on the board and taking advantage of its deathrattle if it has one. 

Icehowl is very efficient removal for big minions your opponent might have while at the same time it might threaten lethal due to the fear of you possessing a silence.

Lastly I want to talk about Moat Lurker since it may cause some confusion due to its bad reputation. It is a VERY efficient way of recycling your minions AND keeping constant board presence. It’s just a little pricey. If you have an YseraDeathwingY'Shaarj, Rage Unbound already on the board and it’s low enough to be removed by a second weapon attack or spell your opponent might have, destroy your own minion with Moat Lurker and re-activate it whenever is necessary or let your opponent do so.

If you have a Sylvanas Windrunner on the board for a turn and your opponent can’t remove it while possessing a healthy minion on his board, you can Moat Lurker your own Sylvanas Windrunner, take his minion, and watch her then serve her purpose a second time effectively. If she or the Lurker don’t get Silenced or Polymorphed by your opponent, your chances of winning are very high.

With Chillmaw you can use him as a 6 mana Reincarnate if you have a dragon in your hand since Moat Lurker will not survive. I know it’s not great, but it’s an option.


Hope you have fun with this deck in general.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Mauromartins
    September 1, 2016 at 7:11 pm

    Funniest ever deck I played.
    Do not have Icehowl, slotted Soggot. Also removed something I do not remember to put Ironbeak Owl (fifth silence is nice).
    People start BM you when you play Watcher or Statue, but when you silence it and copy stats with the Shambler, they start panicking. Played 4 games, 2-2 so far but I made a big mistake against Paladin (guy pumped a minion, I had SWD in hand but forgot to use!).

    Would like to add more card draw.

    • DemoNoidX - Author
      September 2, 2016 at 9:41 am

      Glad you enjoyed!

      Sadly with the current aggro meta that haunts the ladder your only option for subbing in some card draw would be making the deck less greedy by removing Resurrect since Taunts are much too valuable right now.

      Feel free to tweak though and make any suggestions!