Cycle C’Thun Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-31 - Style: ladder

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a cycle-heavy warrior list with a different win condition: C’Thun. The list utilizes the same anti-aggro tool box (Wild Pyromancer, Ghouls, Commanding Shouts) to deal with aggressive decks while cycling towards C’Thun.
While maintaining stronger matchups against aggro, the list does have some draw backs against control. It will struggle greatly against Paladin, and loses a few percentages against classic C’Thun Warrior and Renolock. However, if Emperor Thaurissan sticks for a turn, or if you’ve managed to start with the coin, Brann Bronzebeard and C’Thun can easily bring the game to a great OTK close.

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