Concotion Burgle Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: hydra - Type: tempo - Season: season-105 - Style: ladder

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A experiment deck: Question can we combine concotions with thief rogue from castle meta. Concotion shall replace the tempo from sprint, cutlass and the gnolls and I hope the cons are better than these cards.

So a Rogue without Maestra/Gnoll/Cutlass Package. Also Sprint not in deck because of the value of the new concs.

Instead of this package, I add some Concotions cards to this deck. I just replaced sir finley for the concotion legendary minion because I dont think it is a safe craft, and I wanna wait if this card is good enough to spend 1600 dust.

I can also imagine that all “add concotion” cards are not good enough, because random Concs can be quite weird in hand also it mess it up with the potion belt discover, than it can mix a bad not choosen concs with a really good one, we will see. If the hand sucks I can finley this hand, the reason why finley is in deck, instead of other really good legendary options

maybe I replace these 4 cards (1-drop, 3-drop) with 2 gnolls/ 1 maestra/1 cutlass if my missgivings are real . But “potion belt” is the nuts and an autoinclude in this and maybe every future rogue deck, because of his flexibility, discover from 5 options are very very good, to choose for tempo or value.

Thief Rogue in general will be very strong, because they added so many super good 5+-spells into the set, Thief Rogue will be again really viable and fun to play in “March of the Lichkings”.

Good Luck, everybody 😀

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