Chef Nomi Combo Demon Hunter

Class: Demon Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-72 - Style: theorycraft

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Here’s a combo way to play the new Demon Hunter class. 


Reaching the very bottom of the deck is our main win condition. Once we are in fatigue we can unleash our Chef Nomi to bring destruction on the board and even a Dragonqueen Alextrasza if necessary.

In order to hit this goal Demon Hunter provide a huge amount of cards that allow us to dig deep into our deck by cycling itself.

Cards like Spectral Sight, Chaos StrikeConsume Magic are perfect exemples of the cycle engine, usable whit Gadgetzan Auctioneer to create a proper draw engine. 

Removal and Survivability 

Aiming to burn out  cards is not so easy without removals. To remove enemies pieces the deck uses various synergies like Chaos Strike and Blade Dance allowing us to deal 2 damage to 3 enemy minions and cycling a card, damages can be upgraded by using Hero Power of course, equipping a weapon or using Twin Slice if needed, but we probabily want to drop the slice with the Auctioneer on the board. 

Warglaives of Azzinoth and Blur is our main combo to deal with a big high stat minion or a mid game board presence.  You can blur even with Aldrachi Warblades or just drop it to cycle the very last cards of the deck with the Auctioneer if needed. 

Chaos Nova, Eye BeamCoordinated Strike and Furious Felfin  close the ‘removal suite’ as good as stand alone removal cards. 

Winning the game

As we already said, the deck main  win condition is provided by Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Chef Nomi.  While facing aggro you achieve it by trading the board with your tools, whenever it’s possible, and surviving with lifesteal cards until you drop your big pieces. When you play versus more controlish match up, you really want to hit face every turn if possible in order to set up lethal even with a single Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or a Zephrys the Great into Tirion Fordring .  

Weakness and changes

The deck have different tool to handle a swarmed board, but it may soffer tempo decks that generate constantly pressure on board turn by turn. In this case scenario you want to play more risky and focus on cycling, cause if you lost too much tempo in board trading you will end overhelmed in the mid/late stage of the game. 

Another misfortuned scenario can be found in heavy control match up. In these cases your win condition could just be too easy to be removed for your opponent. If the meta end up with a lot a these kind of decks in the higher tier you will probabily change some removal in order to add more high value based cards.

Talking about changes, here’s a few cards that may be added, changed or cutted off:

Vs Aggro

Wild Pyromancer  can be a solid option if facing decks that swarms a lot, like zoo, murloc, token ecc.. but you can’t abuse his power because the lack of buff, so the pyro will probabily end dealing 2 damage on the board, not a single more. 

Doomsayer on the other side can be your man in the really early game, but unlike the pyro need a turn to be actived, i suppose that the choise here depend totally on the meta.

You can cut off Furious Felfin for the pourpose.

Vs Control

The original idea of the deck had the last reveled legendary demon hunter card  Nethrandamus but i preferred to add more removal and soustain, but if heavy control decks take over the ladder this guy is totally your man and you can replace it by removing a mass removal like  chaos nova or a  skull of gul'dan

That’s all for now, i’m gonna try the deck as soon as the Ashes of outlands and the new demon hunter will be realed. 

All suggestions and tips are welcome !

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