
Class: Shaman - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-59 - Style: fun

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This is type of deck that has some early-mid game pressure to keep your opponent bussy and then you can build up your Shudderwock – Stonetusk Boar combo, it´s best with one more minion on the board, you put Shudderwock between Stonetusk Boar and that minion, he will buff them and then you will crush your opponent with those two minions.

Or basicly, you can put it between two minions that are alredy on your board, but Stonetusk Boar makes it sure, you will have something to put on the batllefield with Shudderwock if your board is clear … 


Shieldbreaker  helps you to get through enemy taunt minions. This deck is just for fun, it is not a ranked deck.

Hot Spring Guardian  can help you to make bigger tempo or to deffend yourself when you are playing versus more agressive decks.

Haunting Visions  is good in many situations and it can really help you. It´s basicly on you how you will use it.

Windspeaker  will maximize your buff-damage.

Volcano  and Lightning Storm  are just for clearing the board and Volcano  can be used with Acolyte of Pain  to draw more cards.

Brrrloc  is just for slowing your opponent down or to make even bigger tempo vs your opponent. It works with Shudderwock  so in the case you didn´t kill your opponent on the turn you played him, freezing effect on enemy can help you.

All other cards are just buffing and drawing cards, nothing is really complicated about their usage in this deck.

Youtube video: Bufferwock

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  1. Thanatos
    March 1, 2019 at 10:10 am

    I have built a very similar deck a few days ago, its fun but it does not work, you have bad turns 6+ until you can play shudder…

    • SlovakiaMan - Author
      March 2, 2019 at 10:01 am

      I didnt really go to that situation. This deck has lot of drawings = lot of cards to paly really fast. It is based on building a board and then buffing it, so with all those buffes and variations of card you always can do good, shudderwock is just made as final step. All those buffs together are pretty sick with that drawing of cards and not so high cost minions or better to say different variations of minions cost. I would say that with more mana you have the more you can actually do with big board and big buffs. The basic is to build a board in early game that you can use throughout the other turns as basement or you can just use your big drawing potential and drop every turn tons of oders minions so your opponent has to clear it whole time and when they will not have clear, you will punish them.

    • SlovakiaMan - Author
      March 2, 2019 at 10:06 am

      if you want I can do a video for you, some sort of strategy way to play this deck where I can analyze for you how to play it properly, what card to choose, in which situation what play is the best. But i am not a professional, that´s what you need to know. I am just starting with creating my own decks. And in the end this deck is just a cheap version of Shudderwock usage fr those who dont have dust/coins for high budget deck.

  2. Negan
    February 26, 2019 at 12:46 pm

    Thank you for this deck, I played few games with it and it is fun to play. I have just few legends, but i am happy that I have Shuderwock. When i builded up the combo I just destroyed my opponent that turn. Thank you again, even if that is not some sort of “pro builded” deck, it is fun to play.

    • SlovakiaMan - Author
      February 28, 2019 at 6:15 am

      Thanks a lot man, I am thankfull for every support, even if you don´t like something, comment it so i can get better next time. I would appreciate if you even look at my videos on my youtube channel and say to me what i can do better so I can do better videos for you. Thttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9XSf2Z8AjU3OCv5zpA_Ug?view_as=subscriber