Hybrid Beast/Token Druid – Standard

Class: Druid - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

This is a face deck that generally doesn't mulligan for specific cards. Rather, you want a good curve -ideally with some card draw or stickiness.

Always Keep: Innervate, Living Roots or Finley

Always Toss: Fandral, Nourish

Everything else is situational. If you have two 2-drops, toss one for a three or for a Mark of Y'Shaarj to get some card draw going early. This deck has many three drops, so you're likely to draw into a good one in the first couple turns. Innervating into one on turn one is probably your strongest start.

Beast Druid finally works!!

I’ve tinkered with a beast druid deck for the past year or so, with many variations. Finally, I think I’ve happened on one that works extremely well for laddering.

Deck Type:

This is essentially an aggro deck, but it can edge into midrange in some matchups. The goal is to always maintain tempo by playing efficient and sticky early minions. Once you have three or more minions, play Savage Roar even if it isn’t lethal. This will usually get your opponent low enough that you can finish with other damage that can avoid their taunts. 

Key Cards:

Mark of Y’Shaarj and Fandral take this archetype to the next level. Mark is best played on turn 2 or 4: it gets you some extra face damage, requires that the other deal with your board (who can ignore a 5/4 Mounter Raptor or a 4/7 Druid of the Flame?), and then put new threats in your hand to keep up the pressure.

Fandral shines in the later part of the game. After they’ve cleared your deck but are low on health, he helps you swing tempo (with living roots) or build a board out of nothing (with Druid of the Flame or Power of the Wild). Often, they’ve now run low on board clears, and this sets you up for lethal.

Sir Finley is also key. Don’t forget that Totems can be very powerful in a deck with this many minion buffs, i.e. Addled Grizzly, Power of the Wild, and Savage Roar. They are definitely a lesser choice than Life Tap or Steady Shot, but are a strong 3rd/4th choice, depending on the matchup.


Right now, I’m over 70% with the deck overall (after about 30 games). I’ve only played 10 since adding in violet teacher, but I’ve won 8 of those.

Hard matchups so far are Zoolock and Warrior. I thought Priest would be tough as well, but that seems not to be the case for me so far, as I’m 3-1 vs Priest so far.

Easy matchups so far include: C’Thun Druid, Darwin Shaman, and Control Mage (any kind). These are all very popular decks at the moment, which makes this deck very strong on ladder.

If there appears any interest in this list, I’ll update it with my stats and/or matchup suggestions.

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