Barnes Y’Shaarj Priest

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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There have been a few Hunter Barnes Y’Shaarj decks couple months ago on the ladder, and I do love the silly concept of this deck so I tried it whith every single class. It turns out the priest one was the most succesful and overmore the funniest to play. This decklist is in my opinion the most consistent one according to my playstyle, don’t hesitate to play your own version, the idea is more important than the cards put in the deck here ! You can adapt it also according to the meta of course, you can see that I put two mind control two entomb and two deaths so. . . Up to you! 

The mulligan stage is extremely simple, if you don’t have Barnes mulligan your whole hand, and if you do keep it all to avoid a sad Y’Shaarj draw. 

Obviously the dream is Barnes turn 3 or 4, then double resurrect turn 4 or 5 => game over. 

You can of course win without Barnes, even if it can be really delicate in a few match up, I’ll say a few words about the most popular decks match up, and the use of shadow form in everyone of them. (Shadowform must be played wisely) Note that it is mandatory to play forbidden shaping with 8 mana in everyone single control match up. You should also not forget that the entombs are to be used carefully , as you will add a minion in your deck. Of course if you already have Y’Shaarj on the board , entomb is basically Mind control for 6… Which is insane ! 

Shaman midrange:

Probably one of the easiest match up as you have enough board clears and removals to completely crush the Shaman board , you should play as soon as you can shadow form which allows you to full clear the board combined to a holy nova which can be sometimes too weak. 

Tempo mage:

Fairly easy too, you should usually never play shadowform because You’ll need every single hp you can earn and mage boards are rarely hard to remove. As you play 28 spells , entomb a flamewaker even if it costs only 3 mana is really really good , each time I have been able to entomb flamewaker I won , the pressure it gave you is usually enough to reverse the tempo. 

Control warrior:

Against a good control warrior or someone Who knows the deck , that’s honestly impossible to win , if he basically does nothing the whole game you can’t do anything as well, even with good forbidden shaping /resurrect . BUT there are not as many good ctrl warrior players as that and a lot less players knowing this deck. . . In that case , you can entomb elise , and Mind control his biggest threat , forbidden shaping and resurrect will finish the work. You can use shadowform very early to drop his amour as much as you can. 

Hunter midrange/aggro:

The only match up in which you don’t mulligan your whole hand to find Barnes , you should keep a boardclear or shadowform and a flash heal to sustain the 6 first turns of the Hunter which can be as you know pretty dévastation. If you survive until then, Barnes or not You’ll be very likely to win the game . Forbidden shaping can be used in the early game if you feel you won’t hold until your first board clear.


Barnes on Turn 4 means generally escape concede for the zoo. Even without it you have a lot of removals and board clears to stop it . Shadowform is great Against zoo , play it as soon as you can that’s a WIN CONDITION on its own. Shadow madness is in the deck Just for that match up, Just be careful to your resurrect When playing it. 

Malygos druid:

Of course you should never play Shadowform, Just hold the fort until you can play forbidden shaping , normally the first resurrect will close the game if Barnes hasn’t already . 

Rogue Malygos:

Unfortunately this match up is not up to you, it’s up to the rogue, or to Turn 4 Barnes into resurrect . Don’t play shadowform you won’t need it , and hope for a bad hand for the rogue…

This deck can beat pretty much anything with à little bit of luck and still be strong if you know well how to play it and You’re unlucky . If You’re Lucky AND you know how to play it. . . Well we’re talking about Hearthstone so you’ll climb easily . Last but not least , it is INCREDIBLY fun to play  ! Forbidden shaping tyrion twice in a game then resurrect it twice again , Turn 5 three Y’Shaarj on board. . . You don’t have to wait Mean streets of Gadgetzan to enjoy priest  ! 

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  1. neptune
    February 13, 2017 at 12:00 pm

    hey man! I love this deck

    I have been running a really modified version with two blood of the ancient ones and two faceless with volazj added, and it’s really cool getting that 30/30 out lol

    it just sucks theres so many counters to us. if they poly, hex, or entomb us we’re done lol