Balanced handlock

Class: Warlock - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-27 - Style: ladder

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Q and A:

Q: How do you play this deck? 

A: Not any differently from a nromal handlock, except for the dragon combos. Chillmaw and Rend Blackhand are both dragon-situational cards, and so it can be tough to know when you drop your dragons and when to hold onto them. Genrally, unless you are under a lot of pressure, Drakonid Crusher is worth it to keep if it’s effect won’t trigger. The only reason to play this without the opponent at 15 hp or less is if they are pressuring you and you need a large taunt. Otherwise, wait until you get the + 3/3 value. Same for Chillmaw, but this is still fine to play without a dragon in hand if you are not playing aggro, or if their deck can’t deal with it easily. Rend Blackhand is extremely good to counter Ragnaros the Firelord, and puts extreme pressure on the opponent since it has 8 attack. If their kegendaries are already used, try to play this minion behind a taunted Mountain Giant or Drakonid Crusher. Remember, the opponent can often deal with one 8 attack minion, but quite rarely can they deal with two. Alexstrasza is also a dragon you want to keep in your hand for lots of value, with makes it a good activator for Chillmaw and Rend Blackhand

Q: Why some slight dragon synergy as opposed to some strong legendaries?

A: When you account the dragon synergy buffs, Rend and Chillmaw are both extreme value, and are not very replacable. The odd card, Drakonid Crusher pressures you opponent to the extreme, and with the giants and Leeroy Jenkins, it is very easy to get the extra stats. Basically, its a 6 mana 9/9 dragon activator and a 5 mana giant, which is run over frost giant which can sit in your hand for a long time.

Q: Alexstrasza and Lord Jaraxxus

A: Alexstrasza activates our Rend and Chillmaw, and is good synergy for Drakonid Crusher or bursting them down next turn with Leeroy Jenkins combo. Lord Jaraxxus is actually quite different, since it supplies extreme value and a leg up against priest, warrior, and almost any other class where you can stabilize the game and not die. This also has great synergy with Shadowflame, and 2 sf and 1 hf is not run in this deck though because Hellfire can even be used for lethal, and is a way to stabilize when your opponent overextends and its turn 4. Nevertheless, Shadowflame Lord Jaraxxus heor power is still a way to swing the game into your favor.

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  1. netwolff
    June 13, 2016 at 12:35 am

    I would think that you’d be dead on turn 6 against most decks I see (zoolock, burst shaman, any hunter…)

  2. tom
    June 12, 2016 at 10:25 am

    lack card draws