Aggro Paladin (MotLK Theorycrafting)

Class: Paladin - Format: hydra - Type: aggro - Season: season-104 - Style: theorycraft

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Aggro Mulligans

These will be what I'm most likely looking for.  Sanguine Soldier, Righteous Protector, and Trogg are the stickiest one drops.  Peasant is just good.  For QuelThalas! is a great curve after your one drop, potentially helps stabilize the board in the early game (depending on matchup), and puts pressure on the opponent with the buffed minion.

Aggro Paladin build for the new expansion.  Focused mostly on drawing to guarantee you have a continuous flow of cards to put on pressure and get your Holy buffs spells more.  Not really sure how good Blood Matriarch Liadrin or Kotori Lightblade will be, so those would be possible cuts.  Mankrik would be a good replacement for either.

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