
Class: Demon Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: aggro - Season: season-72 - Style: theorycraft

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General Mulligans

always keep skull or sigil runner on the far left.

If Crimson Sigil Runner is good in aggro, should prob run two and no Mana Burn. But mana burn is such a cool idea in aggro to block key clears for a turn, so i wanna try it.

Wrathscale Naga is abysmal stats, but burn combos with burn and it has potential to deal a LOT of face damage with Coordinated Strike/Command the Illidari. probably need to find a real 3-drop as currently we only have reactive cards in that slot.

2 Feast of Souls feels too greedy, but we have so much synergy with it that it might just be correct.

Nethrandamus is big for such an aggro deck, but the synergy w the little shitters is just too high to ignore. sometimes u hit it off of Skull of Gul'dan and play it for 6 and are very pleased.

Inner Demon is also probably too expensive, but its cute, and there’s no leeroy :\

Warglaives of Azzinoth is worth consideration and perhaps should replace the previous two cards.

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