Amazon’s Blackrock Mountain Release Invitational

Amazon sponsored an Invitational to celebrate the release of Blackrock Mountain. Check out the deck lists and stats below.

Notable Decks

The decks were pretty much all standard aside from the addition of Emperor Thaurissan to all Midrange and Control decks. Hyped added HOGGER to his Hybrid Druid, which marks one of the few times you’ll ever see Hogger in tournament play. Dog played a Demonlock with the newly buffed Bane of Doom, and Rdu added a couple Quick Shots to his Face Hunter. Firebat had a unique addition to his Control Warrior, Doomsayer!

Notable Stats

Emperor Thaurissan has definitely captivated players by showing up in 70.8% of decks and tying for the top card with Dr. Boom and Loatheb. Sylvanas Windrunner seemed to be the card that was dumped for the Emperor by only showing up in 37.5% of decks. Piloted Shredder made up for its Pinnacle 4 performance and appeared in 58.3% of decks. Big Game Hunter is still proving to be dominant in the meta by appearing in 50% of decks.

Paladin, Priest, and Shaman were completely unrepresented by players in this tournament. Druid dominated the top of the charts being brought by 87.5% of players with Mage and Warrior trailing behind at 62.5%. Against all odds, Rdu was the only player to bring Hunter marking a surprising down turn for the class in tournament play.

Deck Lists

Card Stats

Card Stats are based on how many decks the card appears in.