Secret Mage

Class: Mage - Format: mammoth - Type: aggro - Season: season-45 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

We cant always depend on the ideal mulligan. Luckily, the mulligans for this deck are always flexible. Playing around with the mulligans and openings of the deck can give one a fulfilling sense of creativity. 

Normally the strongest opening is a kabal lackey and explosive runes. Always be mindful of how you use your counter spell. Pay attention to opponents with coin still in their hand and who are themselves looking to play around the spell. 

Aggro Mulligans

Alongside the general mulligans, these are helpful for aggro-decks.

Considering that this is also an aggro deck, it is usually a face race. Against classes which use weapons, Frostbolt can hinder their progression and cost them the game.

Control Mulligans

Unless you would like to try your luck in beating a control deck to the punch, playing it slow and reactive is never a bad option either. The slow option calls for Arcane intellect and Primoridal Glyph, they ensure you don't waste your minions and spells which helps you play reactively.  

    As an exclusive mage player, and recently an exclusive secret mage player, Kobolds and Catacombs has blessed our queues with ample control decks. These decks have their fair share of taunts, heals, and life-steal. This should steer us clear from aggressive decks— this includes secret mage— however, I can sympathize with the urge to fireball peoples faces. Secret mage, an aggro-deck, is not entirely hopeless in this meta because the nature of the deck negates enemy spells and minions; buying you as much time to hit their face with your minions and spells. This iteration is no abstraction from conventional secret mage decks aside from the polymorph. 


Polymorph is very incongruous with the tempo of secret mage. However, it can be a useful tool for negating cards which are usually untenable and ruin your chances of victory, or for closing out a game before it goes south.

Corridor Creeper is a much better card substitution as polymorph is often a dead card— certainly more so than corridor creeper. Considering the popularity of control decks such as big priest, big druid, and cubelock, one will not be able to avoid them for very long in ladder and polymorph can help save some of these frequent matchup’s which generally result in losses.

    The final unconventional card is Pyroblast 

This I accredit to Orange’s Rank 4 Secret Mage list, and though often a dead card, it is ever helpful for blowing the fatal kiss to your opponents.

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  1. Dinklerbergg
    December 18, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    Quality deck you got here

    • Peter
      December 20, 2017 at 1:16 pm

      I think both the Pyroblast and Firelands Portal are a bit too slow for this deck, as most secret mage deck wins I’ve had happen between turns 6-8. I use 2 polymorphs to deal with the often large turn 6-7 taunts to get those last few nicks in before finishing with spell face.