Splendiferous Whizbang’s Decks Are Getting Buffed Soon

Splendiferous Whizbang is a Legendary card from the latest Whizbang’s Workshop expansion. Unlike most of the Legendaries, you can’t add him to a regular deck. Instead, if you play him, you get a random “experimental” deck from a special pool each time you start a match. He’s a reference to older Whizbang the Wonderful, a fan-favorite card from Boomsday Project expansion (who gave players a random deck recipe).

And while the concept of Whizbang is still incredibly cool, sadly most of the decks he offered turned out to be a bit too weak. Old Guardian did an analysis of the card and it turned out that only a few of the decks are in a good spot, while the rest of them lag behind. And I really mean it. The worst-performing decks had an abysmal below 30% win rate at all ranks and below 20% win rate if we only look at Diamond-Legend. And, as you can imagine, losing isn’t very fun – even the “meme” decks usually aim at at least 40% win rate so players don’t feel horrible when playing them.

However, things should be taking a turn for the better soon. Gallon, Hearthstone’s Game Designer, teased some buffs on Twitter. Demon Hunter, Warlock, and Mage decks will stay the way they are, while – from the sounds of it – the other decks will get buffed. If we look at Old Guardian’s analysis, Demon Hunter and Warlock were the two best-performing decks. While he couldn’t gather stats on Mage because the deck wasn’t tracked by data-gathering websites (probably because it didn’t contain any collectible card), I don’t think it is the third-best deck. However, since it contains 30 Morphing Cards, I assume that there’s no easy way to buff it (other than completely remaking it), that’s why they’ve decided to keep it the way it is.

We don’t have an exact date for the buffs, but it’s safe to assume they will drop together with the upcoming balance update. It should most likely be released later this week or early next week. Let’s hope he will finally earn our crafting recommendation after the buffs!


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

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