Shop Update: Battlegrounds Bundle – Mechastorm, Battlegrounds Board – Arena of Champions + Mercenaries Bundles

It’s Tuesday, it’s new patch, and it’s time for the shop update.

Let’s start with new Battlegrounds offering. The first item is nothing out of ordinary – you can buy Bartendotron custom bartender + 8 mecha-themed Hero skins for $19.99. If you like how they look, you might also enjoy traditional Hearthstone skins with the same theme. However, the second item is more interesting. We’ve got a new type of cosmetic – Battlegrounds Board. The way it works is that during combat, you play on either your or your opponent’s board at random. So if they use a different skin than you, you might be playing on theirs instead (and vice versa). It costs $9.99, and you will probably have to consider the value yourself, since I have nothing I can compare it to – it’s the first time we’re getting a purchasable board at all.

On top of those new Battlegrounds items, we also got some Mercenaries deals. If you don’t see them in your shop, then you should check the one in Mercenaries village – they should show up there. The following ones are available right now:

  • Emerge from the Shadows Bundle ($19.99) – Valeera Sanguinar Legendary Mercenary card + 10x Mercenary Card Pack + 150 Valeera Coins
  • Legendary Coin Purse Plus ($9.99) – A total of 900 Coins split between three random Mercenaries (300 + 300 + 300)

Valeera bundle is as the Edwin bundle we got in the last patch, so it seems to be the regular price for bundles including newly released Mercenaries. The Coin Purse is actually pretty solid, but the problem is that it’s random – you might get Coins for Legendaries you don’t play at all, wasting them completely. So the purchase is quite risky and I would honestly skip it unless you really want to spend some money or feel lucky that you will roll the Mercs you need.

You should actually see some more bundles in your shop, but they’re harder to cover because of their dynamic nature. You should get offered some Mercenaries + packs in a bundle, or some Coins, but every player will see different ones. From my experience, however, those aren’t as good as the deals available to everyone.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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One Comment

  1. Banaani
    December 1, 2021 at 7:42 am

    Hopefully no one actually gives money yo Bobby Kotick anymore…