Hearthstone Twist & Wild Balance Changes Are Coming Next Week Shortly After Mini-Set

Caverns of Time and Twist’s first official season have been out for 2 weeks now, and while many players seem to be enjoying both, there are some obvious, glaring balance issues. Many have hoped that they will be resolved by now – or at the very least by the time the upcoming mini-set releases (Patch 27.4).

The bad news is that the balance update is not going to happen with the mini-set patch. The good news is that it will drop in a hotfix shortly after (due to scheduling issues). I hope it’s going to be Thursday or Friday (Sep 21-22), but if not, we’ll probably have to wait until the week after (Sep 26), which would be really bad.

Blizzard has heard the feedback, especially regarding the Warlock class. No specific nerfs were teased yet, but Chamber of Viscidus seems like the most obvious target since Discard Warlock is now the best deck in both Twist and Wild. As for the Twist-specific nerfs, I would also expect Jade Rogue and Control Warrior to get hit to a certain extent. While the nerfs will be really late into the Twist season, they will also directly affect the next one (format for October is going to be Wonders XL).

You can read the official comment from Final Design Lead Aleco below. And I’ll keep you updated!

We’ve heard a lot of feedback on the state of Wild and Twist, especially as to Warlock. We wanted to let you know that we’re aware of the issue, and our next balance window is the scheduled data-only hotfix patch a little after the .4 release.

In an ideal world, this is longer than we’d like to go between patches, but, for technical reasons, this is the patch schedule available to us this time. The upside is that it means we’ll be able to consider data from the new mini-set cards in our adjustments.

We look forward to seeing what you all do with the new cards—there are some bangers in this bunch!



A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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