Tempo Paladin (theory)

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

These cards are part of the perfect curve with the likely-hood of drawing 1 drops following very likely remember that all the 1 drops are similarly weak and you will draw them trust-me the real carries of this deck are here

Tempo and Paladin are not 2 words used together in Hearthstone but hear me out. Note throughout reading this that this is all THEORY

Tempo decks are played by controlling the pace of play. For example they can play fast vs fast decks and play slow vs slow decks.

  • Aggro – Boasting 17 1-drops, vomit out the hand then draw using Divine Favor /Small-Time Recruits.
  • Mid-range –  Playing hand buffs turning your weak 1 drops into medium threats.
  • Value- There are 8 draw effects + Sir Finley Mrrgglton ->Life Tap. Most conditional but if played right easily met which leads to Elise Starseeker ->Monkey guaranteeing late-game value. Math assuming Divine Favor draws just 1 card on average. This deck cycles 14 (6 deathrattle draws + 6 S.T.R + 2 D.F.) cards meaning you only need to draw 14-15 cards naturally (1st=30-3 initial-12/2nd 30-4-12). You should only have 5 cards left in your deck by turn 10. To contrast Anyfin Paladin running loot hoarder(1)+acolyte (avg 1.5)+solumn vigil(2) cycles 9 

Note that curving out is not a must but recommended – Example Perfect Curve

  1. 1-Drop
  2. Hero power
  3. Small-Time Recruits 
  4. 4-Drop (Elise Starseeker/Truesilver Champion)
  5. Grimestreet Outfitter + 3 x 1-drops
  6. 3 x 1-drops + Divine Favor, Coin 1-drop if you have it

(Math going 1st -> 3 initial+6 drawn naturally+2 additional 1-drops from Small-Time Recruits = 11) 

Meta Tech Choices

vs Doomsayer  reliant decks

 -1 Tirion Fordring  (Yes as painful for me to say this, he is the most cut-able card in this deck)

+1 Crazed Alchemist

vs High Hp Minions

-2 Divine Strength

+2 Blessing of Might/Abusive Sergeant

vs Face Decks

-1 Elise Starseeker

-1 Tirion Fordring T_T

+2 Mistress of Mixtures 

vs Weapons

-2 Grimscale Chum

+2 Ooze/That 1-Mana Pirate that removes durabilty off weapons. 

Last Notes

The Murloc Synergy is just a bonus you can cut it for more consistant 1 drops or invest more into it by cutting Argent Squire and/or Selfless Hero by adding Murloc Tidecaller and/or and then play Anyfin Can Happen  for your late game instead of elise+tirion will flood the board over and over and over again then flood the board 1 more time.

N’zoth is a suitable sub for Elise though a Dire Wolf Alpha might be needed to activate some of the Deathrattle cards brought back. 

Certainly alot of late-game flavors to this deck just like Control warrior picking N’zoth, C’thun, Yogg or Alex+Grom for their late game build around. I would also recommend that 1 drops do not drop below 14 in this style of deck

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