Tempo Dragon Paladin (Season 30)

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-30 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The top priority for this deck is curving out, at least 2-4. In the initial stage of the game it's really important to take control of the board so that you can start dropping bigger minions later. Against more aggressive/token-based decks it can also be okay to keep Consecration. Twilight Guardian isn't always the right choice, but if you need a card to trigger your dragon buffs, it's generally the best one to keep.

Dragon warrior getting you down? Try this new paladin deck that I think could soon become the next version of it! With a strong early curve that’s reminiscent of the secret paladins of old combined with a good ability to take and maintain control of the board, this deck can either quickly run over your opponents or drag out aggressive games in order to get to late threats like Tirion Fordring and Ragnaros the Firelord . The divine shield effects of Selfless Hero and Argent Protector allow you to make effective trades to control the board. Nightbane Templar is a fantastic new addition that acts as a pseudo Muster for Battle and can help to control the board in the early game better than most three drops. Book Wyrm is another new card that can easily deal with heavily played minions like Totem Golem ,Brann Bronzebeard , and Elise Starseeker , while also acting as another dragon to trigger abilities. 

Like most dragon decks, the deck can struggle if you fail to draw your dragons, but with eleven in the deck that shouldn’t usually be a problem. Also, if you fall behind on board, short of a Consecration it can be difficult to come back, but holding the board should generally be the least of the your worries. 

This deck generally excels against aggressive decks, as long as they don’t have virtually unbeatable starts. The over-statted dragon minions and board control ability can beat most aggressive minions. Against control decks you should usually do pretty well, as long as they don’t hit you with multiple total board clears early. One AOE you can easily recover from, but two or more is really tough. 

If you decide to try the deck, remember to have fun with it and leave your feedback in the comments so that I can improve it. Thanks!

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  1. Keletakis
    September 13, 2016 at 2:04 am

    i already made a better more consistent version of this deck about a week ago : http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/dragon-paladin-7/

    • Silverdragon34 - Author
      September 13, 2016 at 1:47 pm

      Like I already said, I think that the paladin hero power is already really good, and that adding sub optimal cards just to play the curator generally makes the deck worse overall. And while I appreciate your really not very constructive criticism, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from posting links to other decks on my deck’s page. Thank you.

  2. Odinos
    September 12, 2016 at 11:27 am

    Great deck, it curves really solidly and has some good answers to both aggro and control deck. I tried to make a version including The Curator: -2 Selfless Hero ( more solid in late game than early against aggro deck that can get rid of her really easly) -1 Nightbane Templar , – 1Keeper of Uldaman ; + The Curator , + Finley, + Stampeding Kodo, + 1 Humility ( it works well with both Book Wyrm and Kodo). About 70% winrate.

    • Silverdragon34 - Author
      September 12, 2016 at 6:10 pm

      Thanks for the feedback! Maybe I’ll try something like that. I like kodo in the deck, but I feel like playing Finley and Curator might be pushing it a bit. The paladin hero power is already really good for this type of deck. Humility is good too, but I think that in a tempo deck Keeper is generally just better, especially as a topdeck late game. The Selfless Heroes are definitely a weak link though, so maybe just Argent Squires or Abusive Sergeants would be better. I like the idea though, and maybe I could try pushing a little more for Curator.