Scaled-Spam-Hero-Power Warrior (April 2017, Season 37)

Class: Warrior - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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Quest Taunt Spell Hero Power Warrior

Greetings HTD!
This is a nice new twist on the Quest Warrior which leads to some tasty opportunities to multi-tap your hero power after completing the quest, creating a Ragnaros-like force that is reminiscent of the Majordomo Mage of times gone by. To this end, the deck includes Auctionmaster Beardo and some cheap and cheerful spells from the Warriors arsenal (Iron HideShield SlamShield Block). Shield Block and Shield Slam are useful throughout the game and synergise quite nicely with each other to keep your taunts alive until Fire Plume's Heart pops but I tend to hold Iron Hide until I have Auctionmaster Beardo on the field.
The standard taunts make an appearance here (Public DefenderStonehill DefenderTar CreeperBloodhoof BraveDirehorn HatchlingTar Lord), as do the standard Warrior cards (Fiery War Axe, Execute) with the cheeky addition of Stubborn Gastropod which I like to use as sweet sweet removal of any early tempo cards that your opponent might surprise you with. This puts a really dampener on your opponent whilst progressing your quest at the same time. Alexstrasza sneaks into the deck so you can win just using your Taunts if the opportunity presents itself.
My favourite part of this deck is easily the genius inclusion of Scaled Nightmare. There are so many taunts included in this deck (even some which give you more taunts) that you have constant cover for Scaled Nightmare to get absolutely huge. This is not only a brilliant way to deal with peskily-gigantic minions, but a potential win condition. It’s also a decent distraction if the draws aren’t going your way and you’re lagging behind on your quest.

In summary, you can win with a massive Scaled Nightmare attack (it’s the best), a barrage of 8 damage cannons (also the best) or by Alexstrasza-ing them down and killing them with your army of Taunts (kind of underwhelming) – so you should have no issue taking this to Legend and dominating the Hearthstone meta!

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