Reno Dragon Brann Kazakus control

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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This is a dragon control reno deck.  This deck is a very slow deck to play but is very effective late game.  If you get Reno in your opening hand i highly recommend you keep him.  Some of the combo’s that i use is: Brann with Kazakus (if you are playing an agro deck then you should create a board clearing spell like deal 4 damage to all enemy minions.  If it is a slow game i create a spell that summons minions that have already died this game plus maybe armor.)  Other combo’s include Brann with Kabal Courier, Drakonid Operative and sometimes Blackwing Corruptor depending on the situation.  Another good combo that you should try to use is playing Ysera before you have to play Reno.  The reason for that is because you can possibly get the dream card called “Dream” which returns a minion to its owners hand.  Dream is a 0 mana card.  Then you can use Reno then play the dream card to get it back into your hand.  If you guys have any questions i will try my best to be on here at least once a day.  Enjoy!

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  1. Luna
    January 3, 2017 at 4:27 am

    This is just a worst version of renopriest. Deathwing, ysera, and rag is just too slow in this meta against all the aggro decks out there. However, the deck has potential against control decks as long as hard removal are not cast on your high priority minions.

  2. Cruxkid
    January 2, 2017 at 4:32 am

    Slow deck is slow. I’ve been trying Reno Priest for ages, it’s effective when it works but Renolock is just better. I dont think Deathwing is really worth, the old Deathwing seems better for a last resort clear. Cabal Shadow Priest is ok but I personally never find a good time to use it esspecially by turn 6. Emperor Thaurissan seems out of place here, there’s nothing to warrant using him I’d probably replace him with Sylvanas. And you might consider using Twilight Drake, with a big hand the guy is hard to kill except for hard removal, worst case scenario it gets rid of some of that removal to make way for Ysera and Chillmaw