Quota’s Buff’Thun (January 2017) – Season 34

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder

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Welcome Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my latest deck build “Buff’Thun”!

As many of you who have already been on this page may know, this deck was getting a lot of testing done to it throughout the last week. I was able to finally find a product that may have it’s own place on ladder.

Now, now before you go on and say “This dude is whack!” let me just say that throughout the Middle ranks I have had my fair share of close matchups. So let me explain how this deck works, then I’ll proceed to talk about cards, and when it’s best to use them.


Well really it’s a C’Thun deck, but overall that’s not what your opponent will realize until it’s too late. The real winner in this deck is a accumulation of all the crazy buff scenarios you can create off of this. You don’t want to over value the Buff’s though, and you don’t want to waste a Buff on only 1-2 weaker cards. Buff’s are slow and you have to play into that, but there are plenty of 3 Drops in this deck that you develop early that can seriously turn around a game in a short amount of time.

The real point needed to be made of this deck is C’Thun is just a large distraction to a much bigger prize, sure C’Thun can finish a game and clear a board but in a meta where Entomb, Polymorph, Hex, and Blastcrystal Potion are popular, it’s 8 times out of 10 going to be cleared quick, so the output damage can be important in certain match ups depending on the class. A focus for this deck is to make your opponent waste cards of small to mid sized minions in order to clear way for some of the top end minions. By top end I mean after buff, If your Buffing in the right scenarios 5-10 drops should be anywhere between 7-10 ATK.

The dirty secret lies with the small C’Thun cards. Going first or second makes an impact but as long as you hold 3 minions and Smuggler’s run you away quick. In particular focus on the above mulligans, you want Acolyte, Beckoner Of Evil, and Twilight Elder. When buffed it’s hard to reach those cards without wasting a spell that would help late game as well.

Card draw is relevant in this deck and you MUST pay attention to what you have in your hand and how to make it bigger, without over compensating for possible overdraws. I’m only running ONE Divine Favor due to the overwhelming amount of Priest and Warlock in the Meta. Using Buff on Acolyte is key, as well as doing the same for Azure Drake. Ivory Knight gives you a triple bail-out option with high heal, high buff stats, and an additional card. So this can add that second Divine Favor or grab items to help your situations.

Key cards:

Brann Bronzebeard: As being one of the most standardized cards in the current meta, Bran in this deck is a jack of ALL trades. In faster matchups such as Pirate, Miracle, Agro Shaman you want to play him down quick with the intention that you land a Grimestreet Outfitter or Beckoner of Evil, plus all the buffs before playing Bran make him a even harder target then before. In control matchups you want to land your Emperor Thaurissan with Bran and Doomcaller, or Bran and Ivory Knight, or Bran and Vek’lor. The list goes on. Just don’t be too greedy. I have seen people play this deck and hold Bran for way too long.

Wickerflame Burnbristle: This is your key in agro matchups, it can stall a board and heal a ton in certain boards, combined with Buffs. It’s important to not over extent while still very high in health as this is your best option for mass healing ability.

Grimestreet Enforcer: The most stable card you’ll need to play perfectly is this card. You want to target the value of getting 2 turns with this on the board. At that point you can swing your hands value to almost impossible to match. Just do what you need to keep this alive, If you know you need the 1 turn buff it’s fine. Typically getting this Buffed from 5-8 A/D before playing makes this card a impossible foe.

As playing more with this I’ll add more cards to the overall guide. These are just some of the Do or Die cards.


Emperor Thaurissan: My options here would be Ragnaros, Lightlord or Tirion Fordring, gotta have something big other than C’Thun.  Doppelgangster would be another good alternative.

Twin Emperor Vek'lor: Sylvanas Windrunner would be a great replacement but Vek’lor is REALLY hard to replace in this deck. Another Ivory Knight would be great. As well as another Twilight Elder.

Wickerflame Burnbristle: This card is key to it’s successes right now but an Ivory Knight or an Forbidden Healing could get you by. I would only recommend crafting if you are willing to make a big commitment to Paladin.


Thanks for everyone checking out my first mini guide. I plan on updating this at least once every few days, if not a week. I had an minor audio issue when recording my video but when available I will post that one as well. 

Hope you enjoy! 




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  1. GarlicNinja
    February 4, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    This deck is very, very interesting. I found this deck just now, I will definately recommend it to my friend who is a paladin-onetrickpony but refuses to play anyfin. I just want to say that this deck is amazingly well-made.

    Sincerly, a suspiciously non-salty Shaman main.

  2. Ilbomba
    January 26, 2017 at 8:50 am

    Nice deck good job. Will give it a try.

  3. Falkenar
    January 25, 2017 at 7:32 am

    I?m on something close to this, just n’zoth instead of c’thun, deadrattle minion get more value from goose synergy then c’thon disciple. For healing, because the meta is aggro oriented i run 2 Ivory knigth and 2 tuskar rider, i also run 2 dirty rat, they save from pirate assault and if you cast them well you canpck reno or auctioner, or simply use them before consacrate combo. Or to die miserably like i do.

  4. Abdicate
    January 21, 2017 at 9:33 pm

    There’s 29 likes now. One of them from me. Can you write a guide and post the video now?

    • Quota - Author
      January 22, 2017 at 8:21 am

      Yes you will get that early this week. I’m still working on the guide and play testing a few swaps for more heal/charge.

      I’m aware I’m 9 likes above my threshold but would rather make it as perfect as I can the first time. Thanks!

      • Thepaincave
        January 22, 2017 at 10:01 am

        Fun deck. I also think it needs more healing. Perhaps an Ivory Knight or two would be a good addition? But what to take out…??

        • Quota - Author
          January 22, 2017 at 11:23 am

          I’m currently fielding healing options. I’m for taking out C’Thun Chosen as your really targeting 10-15 on your C’thun and the health after Divine Shield is popped is too easy around turn 5 and it’s easy for most other classes to deal 2-4 damage direct damage to the minion after it’s popped.

          I’m currently running

          – 2 C’Thun Chosen
          – 1 Second-Rate Bruiser

          + 1 Refreshment Vendor
          + 1 Defender of Argus
          + 1 Mistress of Mixture

          I’m considering the Ivory Knights as value. This deck is getting eaten on ladder against Pirate Warrior, and Agro Shaman. It sustains well against most control decks except Dragon Priest. Trying to create a mixture to perform well against all classes. Play testing Acidic swamp ooze as well.