Mistcaller Midrange

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Season: season-22 - Style: ladder

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A little fun i had with Mistcaller.  You can check out my full article here.

Now I’ve never been a huge fan of the Shaman class.  The hero power and the overload drawbacks have always kept me from being too interested in our good ole buddy Thrall.  But with all the new aggro/face Shaman variants climbing the ladder I thought it might be fun to play a more controlled version of Midrange Shaman.

First off I would like to state that this deck is created 99% by Ruthless_Saya.  He reached Legendary with it last season (S21).

The only difference between his decklist and mine is a single card.  He runs Dr. Boom and I run….The Mistcaller.  And I’m gonna be honest the main reason I’m running him is only because I’ve recently pulled him and wanted to try him out.  Boom is likely a much safer bet.  Although I will say that Mistcaller hasn’t been bad for me yet, and in fact has won me games by pumping my Al’Akir up for lethal.


The thing I love about this deck is the 3 major win conditions:

  1. Heavy board with Bloodlust.
  2. Al’Akir + Rockbiter(s).
  3. Doomhammer + Rockbiter(s).

The first thing you will notice is the total absence of silence, but as of yet it really hasn’t been much of an issue for me.  You get so much value with well placed Flametongues and Argus, and if they run AoE the Haunted Creepers, Nerubian Eggs and Shredders can counter balance.

The one thing I will say about this deck is that it is surprisingly difficult to play, but in the best possible way.  You need to think alot more about the placement of your minions and when to cast your spells.

Hearthstone Screenshot 01-01-16 16.37.21

If you like midrange and flashy finishes ~ this is the deck for you.  Give it a test and let us know what you think or what you would change. (And don’t just say Mistcaller ~ that’s too easy and obvious =P )


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