Gadetzan Aggro Anti-Pirate Warrior Pirate Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Season: season-33

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This deck is all-in aggro, it was inspired by watching hidden toast’s stream. 

The deck’s power comes from being able to do an insane amount of damage on turn 2 and 3, if your opponent doesn’t have immediate responses to the threats. This deck works best when you start with the coin, if you don’t have coin, then mulligan for your 1-drop pirates and don’t keep cultist, but with coin keep cultist.

Always keep counterfeit coin in your hand over backstab, counterfeit coin is completely useless if you draw it past turn 3-4 so it’s better to use it early to maximize your reach, you can consider keeping edwin if you have turn 2 coin, you can turn 3 out a 6/6 edwin if you have a 1-drop to follow up.

I would also keep gang ups in your starting hand, you’ll never get much value for them if patches is removed from the game as there aren’t many good targets. If you start with gang up + 1 -drop pirate + coin you should wait a turn before dropping the pirate to guarantee patches survives a turn against pirate warrior and you get to use gang up, if they open with hook, they will clear your entire board and you’ll have a dead gang-up in your hand. 

You can also gang-up your opponent’s patches to draw out 3 patches as well. (That’s why we made the deck!)

The game will be over by turn 7, so you can only anticipate making that many draws. 


Pirate decks (rogue, warrior, pali) – mulligan for backstabs, gang-ups, and 1 drop pirates, it’s ok to throw coin away here. 

Everything else – mull for the strongest early game board you can build, keep the coin.


-No Edwin or shaku – Sub in 3-drop charges

-No replacements for leeroy or patches. 

Edit: -1 SI Agent/+1 loot hoarder

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