Evolve from Below

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Cheap, effective cards are the best way to curve out the early game. All of these cards can be used effectively to deal with early threats. Nerubian Prophet becomes a 3 drop if it is in your opening hand as well as becoming a 7-drop if you evolve it the next turn. Primal Fusion can be used in a pinch if none of the other cards are drawn, as it will turn a Totem into a 2/4 or a 3/3 on turn 3.

Aggro Mulligans

These cards are your best bet in dealing with Aggro lists, they stop the aggression effectively and trade favourably as the game proggresses into the later turns, when you can hopefully dominate with you high value plays.

Midrange Mulligans

Against Midrange you want to trade as favourably as possible so that you can set up strong evolve plays that can force your opponent to have an answer.

Combo Mulligans

You are also the aggressor against combo, your goal is to disrupt the opponent's setups and pressure their face, hopefully killing them before their combo can be executed.

Control Mulligans

Against Control you are the aggressor, try to start as strong as you can and keep the tempo on your side.

A Shaman deck built to make use of some of the new cards and mechanics, just a starting point for when the expansion drops. Designed so that having no 2 drop will not lose you the game with Primal Fusion, Nerubian Prophet, and Thing from Below to come back from a bad starting hand and Lightning Storm to clear early minions.


Bilefin Tidehunter + Evolve Mechanics

Jeweled Scarab + Evolve Mechanics

Darkspeaker + Evolve Mechanics

Nerubian Prophet + Evolve Mechanics

Totem Golem + Thing from Below

Thing from Below + Evolve Mechanics

Eternal Sentinel + Overload Cards

Rockbiter + Doomhammer

Possible Substitutes:

Hallazeal the Ascended

Al-Akir the Windlord

Thunder Bluff Valiant


Murloc Tidehunter

Harvest Golem

Razorfen Hunter

Elemental Destruction

Earth Shock

Card Draw


Mulligan for Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Bilefin Tidehunter, Stormforged Axe, and Nerubian Prophet. Tuskar Totemic and Feral Spirit are also good cards to keep if you can curve into them well. Try to control the board early with your bigger minions as you curve into the Mid-Game. Target minions like Thing From Below, Nerubian Prophet, and Darkspeaker for the best value with Master of Evolution. If you get a chance to make a lot of favorable trades, leaving your minions low, use Evolve to gain an extreme tempo push. Justbe mindful that a Doomsayer can be evolved from your Hero Power Totems and other 1-drop tokens. Doomhammer is the to seal out the game with a solid 10 damage burst when used with Rockbiter Weapon. Be careful, as always, with overload. Try to plan out your next turn before you overload yourself. Eternal Sentinel is most valuable in the mid-late game to push for as much tempo as possible with overload cards.

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