DoomSpammer’s Gorillabot Mech Mage

Class: Mage - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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I have been playing the latest meta mage decks for the past month and I have gotten really bored of them. Although efficient they just get extremely repetitive after lots of matches. 

Considering Mech Mage has been or used to be a pretty popular deck I decided to make (remake or whatever you want to call) since I could not find the old recipes for Mech Mage my own version which I hope you will find interesting.  

I consider it a rather zoo approach to it, with spells for either face hunting or control. The general idea of it is to either aggro your opponent or prepare combos with cards such as Unstable Portal and the key card Gorillabot A-3. Basically it is an extremely zoo-ish aggressive deck . 

Perks of the deck? 

*Rather faster than most Mage decks. (not taking into consideration good RnG with Tempo) 

*Decent amount of control through spells like Fireball and board wipes to help you get those mechs on the board 


Generally I recommend keeping it this way or just adapting it to what you encounter. Add an extra Antique Healbot if you have trouble with zoo or aggro decks. 

Dr. Boom is a must in my opinion! If you do no have him, then you can either put a Mimiron’s Head or just a legendary like Ragnaros

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  1. DoomSpammer - Author
    April 14, 2016 at 4:39 am

    Will answer any question guys! 😀
    Sorry about not getting the links to the cards but I don’t know how in the description.

    • Hillis
      April 14, 2016 at 8:19 am

      I play a similar deck and instead of polymorph I use polymorph: boar which is more versatile. It it such an underrated and unexpected card though I’ve won countless games with it by fully attacking and getting out an extra 4 or playing a minion and boar it same turn for the win.

      • DoomSpammer - Author
        April 18, 2016 at 3:31 pm

        Cool idea. I just don’t have that card :))) so I put what I thought woulb be ok/