Control Shaman – Top 1k Legend – March of the Lich King

Class: Shaman - Format: hydra - Type: control - Season: season-105 - Style: ladder

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I will almost always keep the six cards above. Against fast matchups like Tempo Mage I'd also probably keep Neptulon or Harkener. Against slower, big board matchups like Thief Rogue or Ramp Druid I like to keep Sylvanas or Glugg.

New variation of Control Shaman. Similar playstyle. Notable differences:

The drawing pattern has been changed… instead of murlocs + gorloc ravager, you now have prescience + a high concentration of 5+ cost minions.

Harkener of Dread is a good control tool.

Overlord Drakuru acts as a late game board swing. But he is also the 30th card in this list and is easily replaceable if you do not own him. I don’t recommend crafting.

Astalor acts as a new and improved Denathrius. Because of how the manathirst battlecry works on Astalor’s final form, copying his battlecry will produce 32 damage. Bolner will produce similar outputs of damage, meaning you can Astalor for 16 damage and then on the next turn play Bolner or Brann + 2x Macaw for a 64 damage otk.

For anyone who has not played control shaman in Nathria, the early game strategy is to play Schooling and fill your hand, discounting your Gnolls and allowing you to cheat them out early. You then use muck pools to evolve the Gnoll into an improved 10-drop. You ideally continue to apply pressure to your opponent through cards like Wildpaw Cavern and Command of Neptulon. There are many things you can do in the late game depending on who you are facing, including stealing and destroying their board through Sylvanas and Devourers, eating their win conditions through a mix of Mutanus and copied battelcries, as well as OTK them with the Astalor combo described above.

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  1. Potato Cat - Author
    February 25, 2023 at 3:02 pm

    For the new version after miniset and all these tempo dks running around, the meta is much faster. Snowfall Guardian is a good addition to combat this new meta.

    — Overlord Drakuru, Mutanus the Devourer, 1x Insatiable Devourer, and 2x Primordial Wave
    + 2x Cold Storage, 1x Blazing Trasmutation, 2x Snowfall Guardian

  2. DieNasty
    February 23, 2023 at 11:54 am

    This deck is so good and very fun to play imo. I’m currently diamond 8 I’m a shaman one trick so I can appreciate a good shaman deck thanks alot.

    • Potato Cat - Author
      February 25, 2023 at 2:59 pm

      I’m glad people are still playing this deck even after miniset! I’ll update the list for you DieNasty. This should be better.

  3. Strungout844
    December 31, 2022 at 4:28 am

    Thank you for the deck and guide, I like control but never really tried control shaman. I will try your deck for sure.

    What would you consider good alternatives to Drakuru ?

    • Potato Cat - Author
      January 2, 2023 at 10:58 am

      The best is probably Raid Boss Onyxia. I could see Far Sight being fine as well. Sleetbreaker or Cookie are both good alternatives, they just dilute your Prescience pool but still not bad.

      • Strungout844
        January 5, 2023 at 2:51 pm

        Thanks for the suggestions! Did you climb with this deck in the new season?

        • Potato Cat - Author
          January 5, 2023 at 3:27 pm

          No I climbed with Miracle Rogue :). Control Shaman works much better outside of top legend meta because it loses to Miracle Rogue and Spell Demon Hunter. Still makes it great for climbing to legend though. Just wouldn’t recommend at high legend

          • Strungout844
            January 6, 2023 at 3:49 am

            Yeah those decks are pretty oppressive at higher ranks. Thanks for the info and deck !