Budget Bloodlust Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: token - Season: season-45 - Style: budget

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General Mulligans

Your best cards to put on early pressure

Aggro Mulligans

These cards are the best ones to clear any early threats while building up your own board

Control Mulligans

These cards help you to put on early pressure while searching for your important cards to end the game as soon as possible with a good bloodlust turn

Use weapons, spells and trades with tokens buffed by flametongue totem to build up a board for a strong bloodlust turn. The bigger minions give you another form of pressure instead of tokens which are weak to aoe. Violet wurm is a good card against slower decks, a board filled with 7 little worms buffed by bloodlust is almost instant death for your opponent so each worm requires 2 removals. Keep devolve to deal with buffed minions, demons or taunts during your bloodlust turn.

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  1. Crapcrack
    December 30, 2017 at 8:22 am

    Try it with 1 Primal talismans

    • Zantron - Author
      December 30, 2017 at 2:11 pm

      I have tried it but I am not sure about it. There are games where this card is really great but its often a dead card in your hand and a bad topdeck when your board has been cleared.