Beneath the grounds mill Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: fatigue - Season: season-23 - Style: ladder

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Hi! I’m Cpardo150 a hearthstone player that loves playing mill decks. Over the course of the two past months I have been trying out many of them but the one that I have had most fun is the mill Rogue. The idea behind this deck is to make your oponente draw cards until you get them to fatigue in wich they start  lossing health for every draw they make. In the meantime, you will also draw lots of cards and spawn nerubians with beneath the grounds to create a board out of making your oponent draw. You can have fun with this deck in the ladder and you can get to rank 10 or further if you are good at playing it.


Sir Finley Mrrgglton


Beneath the Grounds

Brann Bronzebeard

Coldlight Oracle


You are looking for this cards on you mulligan, especially Finley, coldlight oracle and deathlord (If you are lucky and get Coldlight oracle + shadowstep/gang up you can keep that two cards). With sir Finley you want to get a more control-ish hero power, specially the warrior and priest hero power, but if you don’t get lucky you can pick up the mage,  druid or even the warlock hero power to increase your draw to stupid amounts.

How to play this deck: you want to survive the early game with deathlord, and your board clear spells until you draw coldlight oracle + shadowstep/gang up then is when this deck starts to get fun, punish you oponent every time you can, making them mill cards or killing minions with a sap or a vanish when they have 10 cards in hand (because the minions can’t return to the owners hand they get killed, have caution with this as it can happen to your own minions too).

Don’t be afraid to gang up a deathlord or healbot if you are against an aggro deck, you can also use a shadowstep in a Healbot to Heal 16 for 8 mana.

Remember Brann sinergises with Healbot for 16 health, Azure drake for 2 cards and coldlight oracle for 4 cards to BOTH players.

I hope this guide helps and that you enjoy this deck as much as I do, I would really apreciate some feedback.

PD: sorry if my english is too bad i’m Chilean ;P

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