Asteroid Shaman (Standard, Ladder, Season 130)

Class: Shaman - Format: pegasus - Type: burn - Season: season-130 - Style: ladder

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Miracle Salesman to get something out on turn 1, as well as a pocket Snake Oil for the future.

Pop-up Book to protect Explodineer.

Explodineer to get some Bombs going early. She will also act as a Taunt as the enemy will want to get rid of her quickly, but often they can't. If you can get 2-3 turns out of her that to me is good value. If you can get more even better.

Moonstone Mauler is good to get your Asteroid count ramping early.

Triangulate to get a pocket Meteor Storm, and get the Meteor Storm count in your deck ramping. (These are you main board clear.)

If you can get Turbulus early you can buff your minions early which can help you if you need to stall, or reach over a medium sized beater.


Just a deck I’ve been messing with. Had some fun with some of the other Asteroid Shaman decks, but wanted to see if I could make something a little more fun, and more burny, haha. If you can get 2-3 turns with Explodineer that to me is ideal value with that card (you have two so that’s 4-6 Bombs). This is an extra layer of burn damage in case you get bad RNG for your Asteroid ramp.

I like to use Triangulate on Meteor Storm. This way you can get a lot more Asteroids flushed into your deck. If are in trouble, and need some immediate damage on board you can also just use it on Asteroid, but you will only end up with 3 extra in your deck rather than 5. Also having a lot of Meteor Storm in your deck helps with your board clear in case of emergency. There have been quite a few matches where they keep building board, but I don’t have anything to fill my board, so I would just keep clearing their board every turn slamming tonnes of Asteroids into my deck while buying time for cards.

For Shudderblock and his Mini I like to use Incindius if you have him available, or Bolide Behemoth. Ideally one of each, but if you have to use it on two Bolide Behemoth.

Needlerock Totem is nice to build up some armour as well as dig for some Asteroids. I mostly use Cactus Cutter for the same purpose. Just to dig for Asteroids. Miracle Salesman‘s Snake Oil can either be used as an easy trigger for the Spellburst of Bolide Behemoth, but mainly you want to TRADE it to dig for Asteroids. You can also use Malted Magma and Pop-Up Book to trigger the Spellbursts of Bolide Behemoth, and Ethereal Oracle

Malygos the Spellweaver is a powerful card in this deck. If the enemy can manage to drag you out to turn 9+ you can drop Malygos with a small hand, and this will constantly draw Asteroids and/or Eruptions. I’ve had quite a few matches where the enemy is way ahead, full board, and I played Malygos to win.

Also keep in mind that Spellpower from Novice ZapperEthereal Oracle, and Bloodmage Thalnos also increase the damage of your Asteroids, so try not to waste them if you can avoid it.

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