ArcaneMage – (Season 32)

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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Hey guys this is the first deck i created on my own! I would be happy if you could give me som feedback! I went from rank 8 to 2 using only this deck so now i am sharing it to maybe even improve it. 

So how does it work? Well the ArcaneMage deck depends on clearing minions and setting up for spellcombos in lategame. You have removal in form of the Doomsayer Frost Nova combo or even the option to Sylvanas Windrunner Fireball to take over big threats. 

The combo idea is to stack up Arcane Missiles or other low cost spells, using Emperor Thaurissan to make it cost 0 and then firing of together with Archmage Antonidas to generate fireballs. In some scenarios you might have the ability to throw in a flamewaker in the combo for full effect. 

So heres how lets say turn 10 – 12 could look. 

Turn 10 – (often im sitting on about 3-4 arcane missiles at this pont) – i play the Emperor Thaurissan  to reduce the mana cost and maybe even combo it with Frost Nova to help it stick to the board.

Turn 11 – Playing Archmage Antonidas along with Flamewaker and then just fire of all the low cost spells i can. At this pont you get about 4 fireballs. and have dealt heavy damage to the enemys face or board. 

Turn 12 – Start pushing for damage with the Fireball and if needed the Alexstrasza is there to counter possibly Reno Jackson or other heavy healing cards. 

Mulligan: Versus early focus decks i keep spells as Frostbolt and maybe even a Flamewaker to help me respond to early preassure. Versus more lategame or control heavy game I often try to mulligan a Arcane Intellect or maybe even a Doomsayer to make it easier for me to reach the Doomsayer Frost Nova combo. 

Please rate the deck and give me feedback in the comments as to what you would change and such. Bye and Good Luck!

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  1. 8BitBrain
    November 14, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    How do babbling books fit in the deck, just wondering?

    • Gurrmen - Author
      November 15, 2016 at 3:18 pm

      swapping the sorcerers apprentice for babbling book works, found myself in more good spots with the sorcerers choice.