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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Quest Priest – Rastkhan 2nd Nerf – Top 150 Legend (Zetalot)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-59 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 11,440 5 years ago 4

Quest Priest – Rastakhan Post-Nerf – Top 40 Legend (Zetalot) – Updated

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-59 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 10,580 5 years ago 7

Quest Control Priest – Rastakhan Post-Nerf – Legend (Zetalot)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-58 - Archetype: Control Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 10,940 5 years ago 12

Updated: Zetalot’s Hakkar, the Soulflayer Quest Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-57 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 16,820 5 years ago 6

Zetalot’s Surrender to Madness Bwonsamdi Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-57 - Player: Zetalot
priest 6,480 5 years ago 5

Updated: Zetalot’s Princess Talanji Quest Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-57 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 12,640 5 years ago 6

Zetalot’s Top 200 Legend Temporus Quest Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-56 - Player: Zetalot
priest 13,240 5 years ago -10

Zetalot’s Top 100 Legend Quest Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-55 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 12,840 6 years ago 24

Legend Deathrattle Quest Priest (Zetalot)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-54 - Archetype: Quest Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 11,860 6 years ago 7

Zetalot’s Boomsday Deathrattle Quest Priest ft. Dead Ringer

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-53 - Player: Zetalot
priest 11,400 6 years ago 13

Zetalot’s Tempo Priest – July 2018

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-52 - Player: Zetalot
priest 3,380 6 years ago 41

Zetalot’s Legend Mind Blast Priest – June 2018

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-51 - Archetype: Control Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 6,360 6 years ago 17

Zetalot’s #1 Legend Mind Blast Priest ft. Squashling (May 2018)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-50 - Archetype: Control Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 8,600 6 years ago 42

Updated: Zetalot’s Witchwood Mind Blast Priest

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-49 - Archetype: Control Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 7,740 6 years ago 9

Zetalot’s Witchwood Dragon Priest (April 2018)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-49 - Player: Zetalot
priest 4,760 6 years ago 28

Zetalot’s Mind Blast Priest (March 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-48 - Player: Zetalot
priest 9,120 6 years ago 24

Zetalot’s #64 Legend Control Dragon Priest (March 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-48 - Archetype: Dragon Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 9,120 6 years ago 39

Updated: Zetalot’s Post-Nerf Legend Control Dragon Priest (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Dragon Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 6,300 6 years ago 54

Zetalot’s Kobolds Healbot OTK Priest (December 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Player: Zetalot
priest 5,100 6 years ago 29

Zetalot’s Kobolds Legend Dragon Priest ft. Twilight Acolyte, Duskbreaker

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Dragon Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 8,360 6 years ago 56

Updated: Zetalot’s Midrange Pirate Priest – Legend (November 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-44 - Player: Zetalot
priest 10,680 6 years ago 50

Zetalot’s Midrange Priest (October 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-43 - Player: Zetalot
priest 7,880 7 years ago 13

Zetalot’s Top 40 Legend Mill Priest (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Player: Zetalot
priest 7,760 7 years ago 15

Zetalot’s Control Priest – Top 20 Legend (September 2017, Season 42)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Player: Zetalot
priest 7,640 7 years ago 10

Updated: Zetalot’s Legend Razakus Velen Highlander Priest (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Highlander Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 10,840 7 years ago 27
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