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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

TidesofTime’s #67 Legend Devilsaur Cube Hunter – Witchwood Post-Nerf

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-50 - Player: TidesOfTime
hunter 7,480 6 years ago 34

TidesofTime’s N’Zoth/Yogg-Saron Shaman – Hearthstone Americas Spring Prelims 2016

Format: kraken - Style: tournament - Season: season-26 - Player: TidesOfTime
shaman 18,000 8 years ago 33

TidesofTime’s Grand Tournament Burgle (Mill) Rogue

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-17 - Player: TidesOfTime
rogue 4,660 9 years ago 27

Tidesoftime’s Un’Goro Murloc Midrange Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Player: TidesOfTime
paladin 10,380 7 years ago 25

TidesofTime’s TGT Malygos Shaman

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-17 - Player: TidesOfTime
shaman 10,280 9 years ago 21

TidesofTime’s Kinguin Easter Fatigue Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
druid 4,120 9 years ago 14

TidesofTime’s ROOT Invitational Control Warrior

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
warrior 10,240 9 years ago 9

TidesofTime’s Viagame House Cup 2 Combo Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
druid 8,940 9 years ago 7

TidesofTime’s Midrange Beast Hunter (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Midrange Hunter - Player: TidesOfTime
hunter 2,340 7 years ago 7

TidesofTime’s ROOT Invitational Echo Mage

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
mage 10,200 9 years ago 7

TidesofTime’s Pinnacle 4 Combo Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
druid 9,520 9 years ago 6

TidesofTime’s Kinguin Easter Demon Zoo

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
warlock 5,920 9 years ago 4

TidesofTime’s Viagame House Cup 2 Oil Rogue

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
rogue 8,160 9 years ago 4

TidesofTime’s Kinguin Easter Control Warrior

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
warrior 10,920 9 years ago 4

TidesofTime’s Midrange Totem Shaman – Heroic Tavern Brawl #2

Format: kraken - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-36 - Archetype: Midrange Totem Shaman - Player: TidesOfTime
shaman 3,180 7 years ago 2

TidesofTime’s Pinnacle 4 Frothing Control Warrior

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
warrior 11,140 9 years ago 2

TidesofTime’s Freeze Mage – Hearthstone Americas Spring Prelims 2016

Format: kraken - Style: tournament - Season: season-26 - Archetype: Freeze Mage - Player: TidesOfTime
mage 7,360 8 years ago 2

TidesofTime’s Viagame House Cup 2 Control Warrior

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
warrior 11,300 9 years ago 1

TidesOfTimes’s Viagame House Cup 2014 Midrange Shaman

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-7 - Player: TidesOfTime
shaman 7,840 10 years ago 1

TidesOfTimes’s Viagame House Cup 2014 Frost Mage

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-7 - Player: TidesOfTime
mage 7,440 10 years ago 1

TidesofTime’s HyperX Invitational Control Mage

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-5 - Player: TidesOfTime
mage 9,200 10 years ago 1

TidesofTime’s Viagame House Cup 2 Control Priest

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
priest 9,360 9 years ago 1

TidesofTime’s ROOT Invitational Hybrid Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: TidesOfTime
druid 9,680 9 years ago 1

TidesofTime’s DreamHack Winter 2014 Deathrattle Hunter

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-8 - Player: TidesOfTime
hunter 1,220 9 years ago 1

TidesofTime’s Pinnacle 4 Face Hunter

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-13 - Player: TidesOfTime
hunter 3,280 9 years ago 1
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