Community Decks of the Week – December 23rd, 2015!

It has been great to get a chance to see some of the awesome decks that people have created on the site! Thanks to everyone who has registered and tried out our new Hearthstone Deck Builder. The current plan is to make this a weekly feature on the site, so keep creating those decks!

Note: These are not all-top tier decks. Some are listed because they have an interesting spin on a standard list, and some are listed just for bringing a unique idea to the table!

I love the idea of this deck. A deck built around buffing your minions is looming, and while it might not be fully there it still has the potential to do some insane things. With cards like Inner Fire and Divine Spirit you know the deck has a lot of burst potential!

Thanks to OblivionAwaits_ for posting the deck!

Token Druid was a thing for a while, but eventually succumbed to standard Midrange and Aggro Druid. Egg Druid, however, has been picking up a bit in popularity and can really flood the board with cards. This and the fact that Savage Roar makes any board potentially deadly is quite a potent combination!

Thanks to SnackManJesse for posting the deck!

If you’re looking for a strong Control Warrior list, then you might want to try BeetsByDeath’s list! The list is pretty standard, but includes Nexus-Champion Saraad for that extra bit of card advantage.

Thanks to BeetsByDeath for posting the deck!

Reno Jackson was going in just about every class, but I rarely saw it in Hunter! Drizzy compiles a pretty cool Control Hunter list with some Reno Jackson action to seal the deal. There’s also double Mad Scientist, so make sure to mulligan for it!

Thanks to Drizzy for posting the deck!

Anyfin Can Happen OTK Paladin has been making the rounds, but Neo decided to go full on Murlocs for his list! This makes the deck a lot more aggressive, but can also comeback on turn 10 with a solid Anyfin Can Happen turn!

Thanks to Neo for posting the deck!

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  1. MadFrosty
    December 26, 2015 at 11:29 am

    It seems face hunter is finally dying. You did it, Explorers!

  2. OblivionAwaits_
    December 23, 2015 at 7:12 pm

    Yay, the Priest made it!