
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Alarmed Securitybot
Deathrattle: Draw another minion. Set its Attack, Health and Cost to 5.
Paladin Rare Minion 4 4 3
Amitus, the Peacekeeper
Titan Taunt. Your minions can't take more than 2 damage at a time.
Paladin Legendary Minion 7 1 8
Balinda Stonehearth
Battlecry: Draw 2 spells. Swap their Costs with this minion's stats.
Mage Legendary Minion 6 5 5
Class Action Lawyer
Battlecry: If your deck has no Neutral cards, set a minion's stats to 1/1.
Paladin Rare Minion 2 2 3
Hodir, Father of Giants
Battlecry: Set the stats of the next three minions you play to 8/8.
Hunter Legendary Minion 8 8 8
Keeper of Uldaman
Battlecry: Set a minion's Attack and Health to 3.
Paladin Common Minion 3 3 4
Origami Dragon
Divine Shield, Lifesteal Battlecry: Swap stats with another minion.
Neutral Epic Minion 6 1 1
Origami Frog
Rush Battlecry: Swap Attack with another minion.
Neutral Common Minion 5 1 4
Quicksand Elemental
Battlecry: Give all enemy minions -2 Attack this turn.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 3 2
Reflecto Engineer
Battlecry: Swap the Attack and Health of all minions in both players' hands.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 4
Scarlet Subjugator
Battlecry: Give an enemy minion -2 Attack until your next turn.
Priest Rare Minion 1 2 1
Toy Captain Tarim
Miniaturize Taunt. Battlecry: Set a minion's Attack and Health to this minion's.
Paladin Legendary Minion 5 3 7
Turalyon, the Tenured
Rush. Whenever this attacks a minion, set the defender's Attack and Health to 3.
Paladin Legendary Minion 8 3 12
Wealth Redistributor
Taunt. Battlecry: Swap the Attack of the highest and lowest Attack minion.
Paladin Rare Minion 5 2 8
Window Shopper
Miniaturize Battlecry: Discover a Demon. Set its stats and Cost to this minion's.
Demon Hunter Epic Minion 5 6 5