Top 500 Legend EU Malygos OTK Priest

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

These are your typical mulligan options vs Aggro decks, but a lot depends on what combination of these cards you already have in hand.

Embrace the Shadow ONLY if you have Circle of Healing already in hand.

Control Mulligans

These are solid options if your playing against Control decks.

Keep Azure Drake vs Priest, it's always tough to deal with, specially if you already have 1 or 2 early game cards in hand.

The Priest of the Feast life total is very tough for Druids do deal with, and can sometimes eat a Mulch.

Hey guys, Tazz here!

This season I was able to get Legenth servers, sitting currently at rank 457 Legend EU in Standard and rank 50 Legend EU in Wild, although I don’t use decktrackers so no proof of climb available :\  but I wanted to show you guys the deck I’ve used lately, and it’s been a work in progress for almost a year, but so far has been incredibly fun to play, but I would like to say it’s not an easy deck to play, and i’ve used it to climb from dumpster 1500+ to the current less dumpster rank 457 ^^

I’m still a long way from mastering this deck, as you will experience once you try it, it can be very tricky to know when to play and what to play.

The main idea behind this deck was having similar cycling ability to what Rogues have, and at the same time i’ve always felt OTK Priest has been on the radar for so long but never quite got there yet, until now πŸ˜€

– After Thaurissan, Malygos + 2 Holy Smite + 2 Flash Heal + Embrace the Shadows + Bloodmage Thalnos is your best combo, for a total of 40 damage.

Thisis almost only viable vs Control Matchups, for the simple fact that you end up using Smites for clear or Flash Heal for clear, but even in those situations you have enough firepower to help you win the game.

I’ve tried a lot of minions in this deck, but the current list I feel is full of pretty damn good Barnes targets πŸ˜€

Acolyte is good just as a 3 drop, but can pull very good cycle turns with Wild Pyromancer, just be sure you don’t overdraw! 

Gadgetzan is here as a 1 of, beause of all the 1 mana spells in the deck, and Circle of Healing synergy. A simple Gadgetzan + PO: Shield on turn 7 is a legit turn with this deck, usually drawing big removal and leaving room for Ragnaros or Malygos(in case you get a chance to just drop it on board, it’s rare but it happens =D ).

Ragnaros puts a lot of pressure on your opponent, and helps with damage push.

Double Embrace because you always want to save 1 for the OTK, but it can also be a 4 damage board clear for 2 mana in synergy with Circle of Healing.

Hope you guys enjoy the deck!

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  1. Cruxkid
    December 30, 2016 at 1:46 am

    Why not Prophet Velen and Mind Blast? Prophet + Embrace + 2x Smite + 2x Flash + Thalnos = 36 Damage (12+12+6+6) for the cost of 8 mana after Thaurissan, so you could even use Hero Power afterwards