Flood Paladin “Meta Counter is real!”

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

I think the mulligan is pretty simple, mulligan for your 1 drops, keep Flame Juggler if you have coin, specially against Pirate Warrior.

Keep Bloodsail Raider if you have coin, the simple fact that it has the ability to summon Patchs the Pirate for free is just too good :)

Divine Strenght helps with the early trades in order to keep board advantage. I use it in place of Blessing of Might because of the +2 health, which makes a lot of difference when it comes to fighting for board advantage, this is not a smOrc deck! ^^

I never thought I’d use Light’s Justice in a Ladder deck but here we are!

I feel like this deck is very good against the current meta, I’m currently rank 4 in wild and I’ve been using this deck!

It has the ability to keep up with Pirate Warrior and thanks to Divine Favor the Renolock matchup is very very interesting! πŸ˜€

I haven’t faced a lot of Priests, and Shaman can be tricky but so far it has been pretty fun to play with and adjust it as I play.

If I get any kind of upvote I’ll make a guide on how to play the deck! Enjoy!

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