s(31) N’zothControl

Class: Warlock - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-31

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General Mulligans

Safe cards to keep when going first: Mortal Coil, shadowbolt, Sunfury, Hellfire, Shadowflame

Safe cards to keep with the coin: Mortal Coil, shadowbolt, Sunfury, Hellfire, Shadowflame, 

Always throw away: N'zoth, Chillmaw, Cairne, Sylvanas, Emperor, Alexstrasza

Do not keep infested taurens or twilight summoners if Barnes is in your Mulligan. 

Infested Tauren is used in this instead of the more popular mountain giant because Infested Tauren has synergies with 13 cards in our deck. A lucky Barnes pull can get Twilight Summoner too, creating insane board presence in key matchups.

Changes: -1 Twilight Summoner, -1 Cult Apothecary, -2 Power Overwhelmings, +2 Mortal Coils, +1 Soulfire, +1 Refreshment VendorRefreshment Vendor has convinced me as better than Cult Apothecary simply because it is key vs burn mage and helps vs Malygos druid. Soulfire has been better than Power Overwhelming in crucial turns before 4 where you can play Twilight SummonerBarnesInfested Tauren, oe Twilight Drake. It is used over Shadow Bolt since we need removal that can curve out with our 4 drops so we maintain board control. Mortal Coils have been better than Power Overwhelmings because we can use it to curve out or search for large deathrattles or N'Zoth, The CorruptorTwilight Summoner was simply the card we needed to cut because in some matchups; warrior, druid, fast hunter and Malygos decks it is partially slow.

Changes 2: -1 Soulfire, -1 Sylvanas Windrunner -2 Shadowflame – 1 Doomsayer, -1 Possesed Villager and -1 Spellbreaker, +1 Dark Peddler, +1 Acidic Swamp Ooze, +2 Shadow Bolts, +1 Hellfire, +2 Mountain Giants. Turns out Shadow Bolt is usually better than Soulfire + tap because of dangerous discards but mostly the fact you are taking more damage. Dark Peddler has been very useful for curve and the crucial turns before 4, and is less risky than Doomsayer. Spellbreaker can be considered for Barnes into Mountain Giant synergy, but this is much too rare of a sinario, and Shadow Bolt is used instead as a more efficient way of removal for powerful early game minions. Acidic Swamp Ooze is mostly for the shaman matchups. Possesed Villager is just a slightly weak card to use in handlock, where every mana spent counts. Shadowflame was taken out for hellfire, as it crushes shaman when used at the correct turns. Sylvanas Windrunner is basically rng Siphon Soul. Although it has decent synergy with N'Zoth, The Corruptor, it is not a great deathrattle minion to summon. There is something to be said about its synergy with Barnes, but that is the same to be said for Twilight Summoner

Change 3: -1 Infested Tauren -1 Refreshment Vendor, +1 Twilight Summoner +1 AlexstraszaTwilight Summoner has better N'Zoth, The Corruptor and Barnes synergy, and Alexstrasza can be an important activator for Chillmaw, closes out games quickly coupled with unanswered Mountain Giants and can serve the same purpose as Refreshment Vendor. Note, it usually is slightly worse with Brann Bronzebeard, so this change may be reverted. 

One question vs aggro may often be: Play Mountain GiantTwilight DrakeRefreshment Vendor, or Hellfire? Often this depends on the situation, but keep in mind these cards may change your play:

Sunfury Protector makes Mountain Giant or Twilight Drake much better

Earthen Ring Farseer  or Refreshment Vendor can make Hellfire a slightly better play. If sunfury and vendor is in hand, Hellfire can be the way to go because after, you can drop a large minion and later taunt it.

3 ways to win:

Turn 1 nothing or Possessed Villager

Turn 2 Doomsayer or tap

Turn 3 Brann Bronzebeard

Turn 4 Barnes into 2 Twilight Summoners Kappa. 


Siphon SoulBrann BronzebeardEarthen Ring Farseer  + Cult Apothecary A lot of hp.


Turn 1 nothing or Possessed Villager

Turn 2 Doomsayer or tap

Turn 3 Brann Bronzebeard

Turn 4 Barnes into 2 Twilight Summoners Kappa. 

Turn 5 Infested Tauren

Turn 6 Infested Tauren + tap

Turn 7 Chillmaw

Turn 8 Emperor Thaurissan + tap

Turn 9 early N'Zoth, The Corruptor

Easiest hearthstone games in history (besides Midrange Shaman) 😉

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