The latest Hearthstone mini-set has been announced. It’s called The Traveling Travel Agency and it will be released with Patch 30.4 on Tuesday, September 10. Once the mini-set is out, we’ll be on the lookout for any new decks to post – but first, we have a short card reveal season ahead of us!
Card Reveal Schedule
The card reveals will start today and continue throughout the week. If you want to find the schedule in your own time zone, visit the official Hearthstone website here.
Card List
Here are all of the cards from the mini-set revealed so far. Click on any of them to go to that card’s page to see more details and community discussion.
Death Knight
No new cards yet!
Demon Hunter
Note: Un'Goro Brochure and Dalaran Brochure are the same card, it just flips between those versions each turn.
Workpony Token:
Signature Portalmancer Skyla (click to zoom):
No new cards yet!
Note: Silvermoon Brochure and Gilneas Brochure are the same card, it just flips between those versions each turn.
Note: Icecrown Brochure and Blackrock Brochure are the same card, it just flips between those versions each turn.
Signature Turbulus (click to zoom):
Dreamplanner Zephrys Travel Tour options:
Albeit from a possible animation I don’t get the difference between those flip cards and those ‘music’ spells that changed their mode every turn (Harmonic Pop etc.)!?
Mechanically they should work exactly the same, it’s just a difference in flavor.
Hm. Then, for sake of clarity, I think they should’ve ‘flavored’ them in the same way. 😉