Tavern Brawl – Week Three – Spiders, Spiders, EVERYWHERE!

First we got a battle of two epic raid bosses, then we got a fistful of bananas, and now we’ve got SPIDERS! Here’s the official description of Tavern Brawl Week 3:

Spiders have overrun everything, including your deck! Whatever class you play, your deck will be TEEMING with Webspinners.


You receive one Classic Pack for your first victory!

Does win count add to reward?

No, wins are only for bragging rights/personal bests. [Source]


Pick any class and you will receive a pre-built deck containing 7 RANDOM [source] class spell cards and 23 Webspinners.

Webspinner RNG

Check out our Card RNG Tool to see the possibilities of what will come out of Webspinner!

Notable Beasts

Scavenging Hyena is a good pickup with all the Beast combat, and that makes Ironbeak Owl a good one to hold onto just in case your opponent gets a crazy Hyena. This also makes Starving Buzzard very strong with all of the Webspinners.

Stampeding Kodo probably seems better then it actually is due to the fact that 18 of 33 beasts have 2 or lower attack. The problem is you’re most likely going to hit a Webspinner, but there will be times when you get to take out a pesky Maexxna.

Tundra Rhino could also potentially win you games if you’re able to get it out on a turn that your opponent can’t deal with it. If you follow it up with a Savannah Highmane you’ll be sitting pretty!

Notable Class Spells

I quickly learned that Warlock has access to a couple of poor spells when I drew Sense Demons. Then you think about the fact that they also have Sacrificial Pact with no Demonic Beasts to work with. Although, if you’re opponent is a Mage and uses Unstable Portal into Lord Jaraxxus, you win!

Call Pet for Hunter isn’t going to get anything but a 0 cost Webspinner. A strong spell for Hunter is Feign Death. You play a board full of Webspinners and you’ll quickly have a hand full of beasts!

Paladin suffers from some poor Secrets, but can also draw a very expensive 5 mana 1 damage spell in Holy Wrath (due to all the Webspinners). Although, if you are feeling really lucky you can hope to draw a Lay on Hands off of your Holy Wrath for the big 8 damage!

Rogue is poised for aggression with all the 1 drops and an easily comboed Headcrack. Fan of Knives and Blade Flurry will take out low health board, but without reliable Weapon buff cards it’ll be tougher to get great value out of Flurry.

Shaman has some interesting spell cards. It has a low cost potential board clear in Lightning Storm, and also has Bloodlust which can take advantage of a flooded board. Far Sight will probably be your dead card because of the spiders.

Warrior has Brawl which can help a lot if your opponent’s board gets out of hand. Whirlwind is okay, but obviously it hurts your own minions. Shield Slam might not get much value without Shieldmaiden or Shield Block.

Mage is obviously a good class because of its Hero Power. Cone of Cold, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Blizzard, and Flamestrike are just great cards for clearing. This doesn’t even include Frostbolt and Fireball which can help secure your board or finish off your opponent. Unstable Portal can even be used to get outside minions that could turn the tides! Imagine getting a well timed Hemet Nesingwary. Oh the value!

Priest’s Hero Power could work well for it due to a lot of minion to minion combat. Priest has some okay spells, but without Auchenai Soulpriest getting minions off the board will be tougher then usual. Thoughtsteal is probably just going to net you two Webspinner, and Mindgames is practically guaranteed to do that (unless your opponent has played Malorne!!!). Mass Dispel is interesting if you’re able to land it on a board full of Webspinners. Holy Nova and Lightbomb could get you out of a tight spot, and Shadow Madness is likely to get value due to all the low attack beasts.

Druid’s Swipe is great in this format. Savage Roar could also be put to use if you have a strong board. Moonfire is for sure getting value (0 mana?!? Wow!) so be on the look out for that! Recycle feels pretty dead, but you could potentially use it on their Savannah Highmane. Savagery might actually have a place here if you’re opponent has you near death with a swarm of one health minions. Soul of the Forest gives you a resilient board that eventually turns into a board full of angry trees.


Tavern Brawl Week 3 Chalkboard

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  1. Iglix
    July 1, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    Just had Priest vs Mage battle. That mage… even with perfectly hitting flamethrowers, flamestrikes etc did not had much chances.

    His hero power is imho overstated in this matchup since at beginning you want to deploy your webspinners then kill enemy ones. And later there when you have time and mana to start dealing with those small pesky webspinners there are already some bigger beasts on board which can priest heal as needed.

    Not to mention Mass dispel power is insane

  2. DBagJerkface
    July 1, 2015 at 11:39 am

    Thanks for covering this Brawl so quickly! This is my #1 go to site for everything Hearthstone! Keep up the great work!