Shop Update: Mercenaries Welcome Bundle (10 Packs + Legendary for $4.99) and Launch Bundle (20 Packs + Epic + Legendary For $19.99) Now Available

While Mercenaries pre-purchase bundles are no longer available, two new ones were just added to the store. And honestly, if you wanted to spend some money on the new game mode without committing a whole $30 or $50, those are pretty interesting.

The two bundles are:

  • Welcome Bundle – 10 Mercenaries Packs + Random Legendary Mercenary for $4.99
  • Launch Bundle 20 Mercenaries Packs + Random Epic Mercenary + Random Legendary Mercenary for $19.99

While they don’t offer any rare cosmetics (like Golden/Diamond skins from the pre-purchase bundles), they’re actually a better deal for your money. Especially the Welcome Bundle, which gives you a whooping 2 packs per $1, with a random Legendary Merc on top of that. That’s probably the best deal you’re ever going to get – just like Constructed Welcome Bundle always was.

Launch Bundle is a bit worse value-wise, but it’s still $1 per pack, and you get two random Mercs on top of that – one Legendary and one Epic. Purely from the value standpoint, if you don’t care about cosmetics, it’s also a better deal than pre-purchases.

You can get them in-game or through store – here’s a link to Welcome Bundle and Launch Bundle. Launch bundle will be available until November 1st, while Welcome Bundle will stay a bit longer, until November 14.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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