Shop Update: Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set + Hearthstone Skin Bundles

It’s Tuesday, so it’s time for another shop update! It’s a pretty big one since we just had a major patch released. On top of the usual bundles, you can also now get the new mini-set in the shop. Golden version is available for Gold for the first time ever – previously it was only a real money purchase (however, it costs 10k gold, so it’s definitely not something a F2P player can afford anyway). Here are all of the new items that are available:

  • Normal Return to Naxxramas (1500 Runestones or 2000 Gold) – 38 new mini-set cards in normal versions.
  • Golden Return to Naxxramas ($70 or 10,000 Gold) – 38 new mini-set cards in golden versions.
  • Varian Wrynn Legendary Bundle (2500 Runestones or $25) – New Warrior skin (Legendary) + 5x Warrior card pack.
  • Saraad Bundle (1500 Runestones or $15) – New Mage skin (Tier 1) + Saraad card back + 5x Mage card pack.
  • Daring Darion Bundle (1000 Runestones or $10) – New Death Knight skin (Tier 2) + 5x Death Knight card pack.
  • Mighty Maiev Bundle (1000 Runestones or $10) – New Rogue skin (Tier 2) + 5x Rogue card pack.

Tier 1 skins are “premium” ones while Tier 2 are more basic. In general, Tier 1 skins tend to include more extra features like completely new emotes, Hero Power animations, and some extra visual effects. Some of those might be also included in Tier 2 skins, but usually only 1 of those special features is present (if any). It’s not an official classification – it’s just something we use to differentiate between more basic and premium skins!


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Nathair
    February 14, 2023 at 11:59 am

    That’so probably the only warlock portrait I’ve seen in recent years other than two Tamlin ones to hold up well next to Mecha-Jaraxxsus and N’Zoth. And here I thought ethereal portraits would go to mages but this works too!

    • WhipWhap
      February 14, 2023 at 12:58 pm

      I thought saraad was a mage skin?

      • Nathair
        February 15, 2023 at 2:56 am

        It is lol I just came back to reply to my original comment because the legend stuff video that confused me. I have no idea why the colour scheme on the packs made me go with warlock. Note to self: Actually read instead of looking at pictures only and assuming xD