Hearthstone Winter Veil 2018 – Wonder Bundle, Winter Veil Quest, Card Back

It’s time for Winter Veil 2018 in Hearthstone! To start us off, we’ve got a quest called “Happy Winter Veil!” that requires you to play 100 cards in Play mode. If you complete this task, you will get four The Boomsday Project packs. Along with that comes the Winter Veil Wonder Bundles. For $19.99 USD you’ll get a bundle of 30 packs including 6 The Boomsday Project Packs, 6 The Witchwood Packs, 6 Kobolds & Catacombs Packs, 6 Knights of the Frozen Throne Packs, and 6 Journey to Un’Goro packs.

You can also now greet your opponent with the “Happy Feast of Winter Veil!” emote.

A new Tavern Brawl will allow you to win the Winter Veil Treat card back! Here’s more information on it:

On the first week of Winter Veil my opponent returned to me. . . a deck full of questionable minions? Choose your hero, then build a deck of 20 minions (10 random spells from your class will be added automatically once the brawl begins).

When the match begins, each player will mulligan for an opening hand, and then “gift” the rest of their decks to their opponent. But there’s a catch! Each player only has 20 health, and each “gift” deck comes with a 5 mana Gift Receipt card! When Gift Receipt is played, it refreshes a player’s mana crystals, swaps the decks again, and destroys their opponent’s Gift Receipt!

When building this Tavern Brawl deck, you’ll need to think about what you’d want for mulligan, what you wouldn’t want an opponent to play (at least until you have 5 mana), and what you might want to draw if your opponent decides to return your “gift”!

Play Returns & Exchanges and win a match to receive the delectable Winter Veil Treat card back!

In the second week of Winter Veil, an old Tavern Brawl will be returning called Gift Exchange!

Blizzard Post

The gingerbread goblins are baking in Northrend, bells are jingling in the jungles of Stranglethorn, and the spirit of the season is in the air everywhere. That’s right—Winter Veil is upon us, and there’s a ton of festive fun in store for good ghouls and trolls who visit the Hearthstone tavern during the jolliest season of the year!

Starting now through December 31, exchange happy holiday greetings with worthy opponents in a Tavern festooned with a wonderland of fancy Winter Veil decorations. Cozy up and play 100 cards to complete the Happy Winter Veil! questto receive FOUR The Boomsday Project card packs! Then settle in for some festive Tavern Brawl fun!

Returns & Exchanges

On the first week of Winter Veil my opponent returned to me. . . a deck full of questionable minions? Choose your hero, then build a deck of 20 minions (10 random spells from your class will be added automatically once the brawl begins).

When the match begins, each player will mulligan for an opening hand, and then “gift” the rest of their decks to their opponent. But there’s a catch! Each player only has 20 health, and each “gift” deck comes with a 5 mana Gift Receipt card! When Gift Receipt is played, it refreshes a player’s mana crystals, swaps the decks again, and destroys their opponent’s Gift Receipt!

When building this Tavern Brawl deck, you’ll need to think about what you’d want for mulligan, what you wouldn’t want an opponent to play (at least until you have 5 mana), and what you might want to draw if your opponent decides to return your “gift”!

Play Returns & Exchanges and win a match to receive the delectable Winter Veil Treat card back!


Gift Exchange

An old Winter Veil favorite returns! In the Gift Exchange brawl, Greatfather Winter is dropping crates on the battlefield. Smash open a gift crate—either your opponent’s or your own!—and you’ll get to Discover a card from your Class or your opponent’s depending on which side of the field the crate was on. Don’t be shy about smashing those crates and snapping up Greatfather Winter’s gifts, because your opponent won’t be!

If you already received the Winter Veil Treat card back, this brawl will award a Classic card pack. If not then it’s another chance to earn Winter Veil Treat.


Winter Veil Wonder Bundle

It’s a season for giving, so if you know someone else who loves Hearthstone, this is a great time to bolster their collection by gifting them a Winter Veil Wonder Bundle. This bundle includes six packs each from Journey to Un’Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, Kobolds & Catacombs, The Witchwood, and The Boomsday Project—a total of 30 packs—for a special price!


Of course, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a little Winter Veil Wonder too! Just keep in mind that each account can only receive one Winter Veil Wonder Bundle.

The Winter Veil Wonder Bundle is only available until the Winter Veil Celebration ends, so don’t miss it!


Winter Veil will grace the Tavern through December 31—hop a sleigh ride in for some Hearthstone fun before the festivities come to a close.

We wish a very warm and happy Feast of Winter Veil to you and yours!


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  1. Ramellan
    December 19, 2018 at 4:17 am

    I got 3 legendaries from my set, which I’d call the most amazing good luck if two of them weren’t Clutchmother Zara’s and Master Oakheart from last year. (It’s not that they’re bad, but I don’t have Hadronox or Warlock quest)

    On the other hand, I got Doctor Boom! So I guess Santa really was watching me after all. Thank youuu!

    • Skoopy
      December 20, 2018 at 3:02 am

      Now i will tell you my even more insane story bro!
      I couldnt get much leggy out of Rastakhan. Opened about 120 Packs.
      After that i spend nearly every 100g into a pack.
      Felt not that good.

      I just got 5 Legendarys out of this bundle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      What happened: The Pitytimer works per Expansion, not overall.
      So nearly every of my pitytimers were set, to get a legendary.

      What i got? -> Flarks Boomzooka, Temporus, Shaman Quest, Warlock Quest and Hadronox!
      I mean, i will the Keep them at the moment but i think Temporus will dusted first.
      The rest i will try in fundecks at ranks about 3-4.

    December 18, 2018 at 11:29 pm

    My xmas present to myself haha. I already have most of the RR cards but need more of the other expansions. So this is a pretty killer deal.

  3. Forgettery
    December 18, 2018 at 12:40 pm

    Why do these bundles never have the current expansion? I don’t need anything from these packs lol lots of dust for 20$ tho ????????‍♂️

    • MrSimoes
      December 18, 2018 at 2:58 pm

      Think, McFly, think. Lol

    • Nonagon4
      December 18, 2018 at 5:25 pm

      To be honest, though, I don’t feel the need to buy Rastakhan packs because of how useless a lot the cards are right now…I’m mostly interested in Classic and Boomsday