Hearthstone Ranked Play Season 1: Decks of the Meta

The season of Panadamonium has ended, here’s a round up of all the best decks from April 2014 – Hearthstone Ranked Play Season 1.


Here’s a breakdown of decks that are currently being used by class!


Druid is in a strong place right now as seen by Gaara’s Ramp Druid. Token Druid is very viable and has been seeing play, unfortunately, these decks are not very cheap and require a few legendaries to get to their max potential.


The current least favorite class has evolved quite a bit this season. The change of Unleash the Hounds which was thought to be a nerf has significantly strengthened the once reliant on OTK class. Now, Hunter has a few variants that make it stand out as one of the strongest classes.


The Mage has had an interesting journey to this point. It was once the most overpowered class and annoyed the hell out of people, but a great big nerf that increased the casting costs of Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Blizzard, and Pyroblast put them in the back of the pack. Now, they are making a comeback and of all things the Frost Mage is back!


Paladin and Priest are probably the least represented classes right now. Paladin has had a deck or two popup, but nothing that has lit the meta on fire.


The Priest has some decks, but unfortunately it struggles heavily in the early game and still can’t get a 4 attack minion off the board to save its life. There are some fun versions of Priest decks out there, but unless you can make Amaz like plays you might want to wait until Curse of Naxxramas brings some new cards.


The Rogue is also making quite a nice comeback, it has a few Miracle variants that are working their way through the meta. It also has some Tempo options if that is your flavor of choice.


Midrange Shaman is still a solid option. There have been some more burst heavy variants that are more situational but still pack a punch.


Warlock is still in a very strong place with the many variants of Zoo. HandLock is still played, but much less frequently. Zoo may be getting even stronger with Nerubian Egg on the way.


The Warrior has a couple variants, but the one that sticks out the most is Control Warrior. It has been a strong deck throughout Season 1 and does not look to be slowed down yet. Aggro Warrior still pops up, but is much more rare.

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