Hearthstone Patch 29.4.2 Teaser – Constructed & Battlegrounds Balance Update

Blizzard just posted a teaser of the upcoming balance update for both Constructed and Battlegrounds! We knew that the patch would be coming soon because it was already teased in 29.4 (mini-set) patch notes – on top of the teased balance changes, it will also contain some Weekly Quest changes.

The patch contains 3 Constructed changes and a few dozen Battlegrounds changes (it’s pretty huge for Battlegrounds). Constructed changes are actually quite interesting since they will affect both Standard and Wild. Every single one of those cards sees common play in both formats.

Until the full patch notes are released, we don’t know a full list of card changes! We don’t have a release date yet either. However, the usual schedule is a teaser on Tuesday and a patch on Thursday, which is what I would expect this time around too.

For now, learn more about the patch below:


Here’s a full list of Constructed cards that are getting changed in the patch:


And here’s a full list of Battlegrounds changes in the usual teaser image – one for all modes and one specifically for Duos.

Hearthstone Patch 29.4.2 Battlegrounds balance changes. Encircled in green are the following: Trigore the Lasher, Iridescent Skyblazer, Impulsive Trickster, Molten Rock, Party Elemental, Bream Counter, King Bagurgle, Murky, Defiant Shipwright, Gunpowder Courier, Spellbound Seafarer, Underhanded Dealer, Hungering Abomination, Sister Deathwhisper, Deadstomper, Wrath Weaver, Oozeling Gladiator, Fire Dancer, and Cloning Conch (Tavern Spell). Encircled in red are the following: Fiery Felblood, Roaring Rallier, Amber Guardian, Timecap’n Hooktail, Deep Blue Crooner, Whirling Lass-o-Matic, Scrap Scraper, Pokey Thornmantle, Winged Chimera, (Tavern Spells) Scavenge for Parts, Dreamer’s Embrace, Plunder Seeker. At the bottom in both green and red are Flourishing Frostling, Backstage Security. With a green plus sign are Manasaber, Rat Pack, Lil’ Rag. With a red minus sign are Kindly Grandmother, Sly Raptor, Gentle Djinni.

Hearthstone Patch 29.4.2 Battlegrounds Duos balance changes. Encircled in green is Orc-estra Conductor. Encircled in red is Man’ari Messenger.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Spliff Master Herb
    May 22, 2024 at 7:17 am

    So they are not currently concerned about Mass productions affect on the Demon seed quest in wild.
    They make such an effort to balance it after it dominated so hard but they insist on printing ridiculous tools for it.
    Hopefully the mountain giant nerf can slow this down, but the deck has so many potential variations they can probably just replace it with some other powerhouse card :s

  2. PitLord
    May 22, 2024 at 12:24 am

    Again with nerf every 2 days….
    Maybe if you remove entirely the wording “cost one less for each…” you don’t need to do almost any nerf.
    With this year free standard set the developers have reached a new peak of incompetence: charge minion, discounted minion, banned card of the past (for good reason), rotate brann for adding a new brann (what a genius), a new time warp (at least they finally nerfed in wild) ecc.

    Maybe it’s all part of a plan to devalue all the dust you have, in that case they are doing a great job

  3. DemianHS
    May 21, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    Waiting for Weekly Quest changes. ????

    Oh men, they ruin one of my clearboard on my Highlander Paladin. ???? I hate you Flood Paladin. *shakes his fist*