Hearthstone February Twist Season is “Pauper” – Only Common Cards Allowed!

Shortly after the announcement of the Delve into Deepholm mini-set, some websites have published a press blast they got from Blizzard. Those are usually short summaries of bigger updates/new releases mostly meant for websites that aren’t familiar with the game (so they can just post the whole thing without needing to know the details). Interestingly enough, that press blast has included information about the upcoming Twist season.

The next Twist format will be “pauper”. It’s a term from Magic: The Gathering, describing a format where players can only use Common rarity cards. The same is true for the upcoming Twist – you will only be able to play Common cards.

The format will include all sets through Year of the Dragon (so until Descent of Dragons expansion and Galakrond’s Awakening adventure), as well as Core Set and Caverns of Time.

I think that it’s a cool idea and one of the first that should have happened. It makes the format very approachable even for players who have no old cards. A deck full of commons costs only 1200 Dust to craft, and that’s assuming you don’t own any of them at all (which is unlikely given that Core Set is also in the format and everyone owns it).

Get excited for a new Twist! The February season of Twist mode (starting February 1) adds a challenge by limiting your deck building to common cards only (includes all expansions through Year of the Dragon and Core cards). Discover new ways to stump your opponents without the power of rare, epic, and legendary cards!



A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Covalerahien
    February 4, 2024 at 10:38 pm

    I definitely, agree on the approachable front. There are still a few cards that new players might need to craft, but it’s not “buy a bunch of packs and good luck” level anymore. As much as I like being able to use my old cards from way back, and with it some of my favorite decks from over the years, it was a solved meta. No room for innovation.

  2. Tailsfromvienna
    January 14, 2024 at 5:00 am

    I think raising Tavern Brawl to a competitive/ranked format is the way to go for Twist.

    Given how much work is needed to create an interesting Tavern Brawl , it is sad that most players only play until the first win to get the pack, then quit until next week.

    That being said I admit that not all Tavern Brawls are equally suited to be transferred into a competitive format, but may of them are good candidates