Hall of Explorers Heroic Deck Lists and Guide – League of Explorers (Skelesaurus Hex, The Steel Sentinel, Arch-Thief Rafaam, and Rafaam Unleashed)

Hall of Explorers is the final wing of The League of Explorers, it will be/was released December 10th, 2015. Some interesting cards are releasing this week, we’ve got Museum Curator which has pre-nerf Novice Engineer stats. Engineer was played in many decks before the nerf, so we’ll see if a slightly tweaked version of the card is strong enough to make it into Priest decks. We’ll also see the release of Desert Camel which could be a blessing to the currently struggling Midrange Hunter deck. Animated Armor has an interesting effect, but it remains to be seen if it’s strong enough to build around. The legendaries (Elise Starseeker and Arch-Thief Rafaam) don’t seem super strong, but we quickly learned with Reno Jackson that cards need to be played with before gauging their final power level.

Check out the Heroic Decks lists for Hall of Explorers below!

Hall of Explorers Rewards

Skelesaurus Hex


Rewards: Fossilized Devilsaur and Raven Idol

Skelesaurus Hex Hero Powers

Skelesaurus Hex Heroic Decks

The Steel Sentinel


Rewards: Cursed Blade and Museum Curator

The Steel Sentinel Hero Powers

The Steel Sentinel Heroic Decks

Arch-Thief Rafaam


Rewards: Curse of Rafaam and Wobbling Runts

Arch-Thief Rafaam takes your deck and plays it against you!

Arch-Thief Rafaam Hero Powers

Arch-Thief Rafaam Cards

Arch-Thief Rafaam Heroic Decks

Rafaam Unleashed


Rewards: Eerie Statue and Desert Camel

Rafaam Unleashed Hero Powers

Rafaam Unleashed Cards


You gain these by using your Rummage Hero Power.


One of these will spawn each time the Staff of Origination triggers.

Rafaam Unleashed Heroic Decks

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One Comment

  1. Atma
    December 10, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    For Heroic Arch-Thief, I suggest using rogue and playing Rogue with Lorewalker Cho + Gallywix, Preparation, Shadowstep, Ancient Watcher, Gang Up, Target Dummy, and Coliseum Manager. If Arch-Thief pulls off Lorewalker + Gallywix, you can do hilarious things like get an 18/18 edwin vancleef (from your jeweled scarab if you’re lucky)