S23 Malygos/Velen Dragonpriest

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-23 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Generally, you want to look for Northshire Cleric, Twilight Whelp and Wyrmrest Agent like in the description explained. If you have the coin, keeping Sen'Jin Shieldmasta and Twilight Guardian in your hand can be fine, because these are pretty strong if played on turn 3. Power Word: Shield is keepable, if you already have an early minion to go along with. Otherwise, you should mulligan it away. Also, if you have Twilight Whelp or Wyrmrest Agent with any dragon (even Malygos), you should probably keep them together.

First of all, I feel the need to give credit to community member LollTroll for the basic idea behind this deck and after some tweaking here and there, my list unintentionally came pretty close to what he was submitting a few weeks ago. So for a more in-depth guide, I suggest you check out his deck as well:

The cool thing about this deck is, that your opponent’s aren’t expecting the combo when they are playing against a mostly traditional dragon priest deck. They might catch up to it when you play stuff like Acolyte of Pain or in my list Bloodmage Thalnos, but generally people will not heal themselves with high priority when they have still around 20 life left and they are playing against a priest.

The basic idea is to get an early board presence with Twilight Whelp, Wyrmrest Agent or if you are playing against aggressive classes (such as hunter and often Warlock) even a Northshire Cleric. The latter should otherwise be kept in hand until you can make use of the card draw.

A lot of times, you can even win without even playing the combo. Especially against aggressive decks, when they have to run all their guys into your taunts and/or lose their board to your AoE spells. If you are going for the combo, you should aim to get your opponent to 20 and play Emperor Thaurissan not before you have at least one of the following cards in hand:

Prophet Velen
Mind Blast
Mind Blast

With only one of these cards reduced by 1, you can deal 20 damage with 10 mana. So it’s definitely okay to play Thaurissan with one of these cards in hand, if you don’t have anything better to play that turn. Sometimes, you get more of the key cards reduced, so you can even fit in a Holy Smite or Bloodmage Thalnos. Thalnos is included because card draw is good (duh) and it can make a difference between a 20 damage and 24 damage combo.

It can also be okay to play Thaurissan with Malygos and Holy Smite in hand, if you need board presence. In that case, the life total you should be looking for would be 17 for when you draw your first Mind Blast you can deal 17 damage with 10 mana.

On the board, the basic rules for most decks apply: If you can trade favorably, you should do that (against most aggressive decks, that’s the plan). Otherwise, go face. You need to deal some damage before being able to combo off, after all. There are exceptions, of course, when it comes to dealing with high priority targets like Knife Juggler, Tunnel Trogg, Flamewaker, Mana Wyrm, Emperor Thaurissan or other cards that get dangerous quickly when left unchecked on the board.

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