Purify Priest

Class: Priest - Format: mammoth - Type: combo - Season: season-40 - Style: budget

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So this is my Purify Priest deck. And I had a really good time with it. It’s a very powerful deck if it’s mastered and it’s also very cheap.


The point of this deck is to get your Ancient Watcher  and Humongous Razorleaf on the board as fast as possible. After you have one of these guys on the board you just have to silence it. That’s why I use PurifySilence and Kabal Songstealer .

After you silenced them buff them as much as you can. But don’t silence them in the turn you played them. That would be stupid because you do not want to scare your opponent. If your opponent sees that your minion can’t attack, he won’t kill it (most probable). So after you silence them you buff them and go aggressive becuase when you have a 16/16 minion on the board and attack your opponent’s face with it, it’s pretty much gg. He panics if he doesen’t have removals, but if he has: REMEMBER: Do not buff your minions in the turn you played them! You can lose important spells such as Divine Spirit or Inner Fire .

So I suggest playing aggressive and try to kill your opponent as fast as possible.

Mass Dispel

This card will help you attack with your buffed minions because you need to remove the minions that have Taunt. So you can hit your opponent’s face. And it’s also a draw. And you need many draws in this deck to get the cards that you need to kill your opponent.

Auchenai Soulpriest/Circle of Healing

This is your only board clear. This is your hope. With this combo you can clear the board and continue buffing your minions. It’s a good combo against Pirate Warriors or Aggro Druid/Shaman or Beast Hunter or basically any aggressive deck that uses early pressure.

Eater of Secrets

I put this card in the deck just to have a chance against mages, paladins and even hunters. This is so good against them, you can get rid of all the embarrassing secrets they use.

Surviving Aggro Decks: Priest of the Feast

So if you do not have the combo with Auchenai Soulpriest and Circle of Healing how can you survive an early pressure? Well, if you have the buffs and at least 1 minion on the board but you are low health, this guy is your solution. I mean you just throw this on the board and buff it or buff your other minions. He gives you so much healing so you can survive longer to buff your minions.


So your best removals are the Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death . And of course you can sacrifice some of your silences to get rid of big/buffed minions or murlocs or other things like that.

The Trades

You always trade if you can’t buff your minions and if you really want to get rid of the minions that just put pressure on you, you use Potion of Madness and Pint-Size Potion if needed.

Shadow Visons

You use this card just if you really need it, like you need a Divine Spirit or an Inner Fire to finish your opponent, or maybe you need a Silence or Mass Dispel to get rid of the buffed minions, any stuff like that. Just keep it for emergency cases.

I hope this guide/deck helped you so have fun playing with it. Leave a comment if you have any problems or you need any information. I would be more than happy to help you. πŸ™‚

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  1. Mishamisha
    September 4, 2017 at 6:21 pm

    Quick question, is it a wise idea to place barns in? I mean he may summon a 1/1 copy of an ancient watcher or humongous razor leaf which you can silence to get the full minion.