Battlecry Handlock

Class: Warlock - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-31

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A powerhouse of a deck, usually the tough matchups are aggro. 

Weak to Shaman

So aggro decks win because of the early game pressure and damage output early on. There are a few things to keep in mind to counter this game plan.

1- Keep decent cards. Simple put, keep cards like Shadow Bolt, Sunfury Protector, Earthen Ring Farseer, Refreshment Vendor

2- Stray away from the value game. Pay Brann Bronzebeard or Earthen Ring Farseer in turn 3 even with combos with it set up in hand. Play sylvanas on an empty board sometimes to stop a power play of minions. Turn 1 Tap Turn 2 Tap Turn 3 nothing Turn 4 Mountain Giant is rarely good vs aggro. Neither is Turn 1 Tap turn 2 Tap Turn 3 coin Twilight Drake Also, coin tap is a decent play if your hand is too expensive. In addition, mainly hunter with secrets in play and aggro decks with a bad start, playing Sunfury Protector on an empty board can be very important. This is an even better play when you have Power Overwhelming in hand.

3- Assume your opponent doesn’t have lethal. Since aggro decks will not defeat you if they don’t have damage/ a horde of minions, this means that surviving a few more turns will mean  they lost. Do not save your cards like Siphon Soul for larger targets, if it threatens you board or lethal, then kill it. If you must Mountain GiantShadowflame then do it. If Mind Control Tech doesn’t have any targets, then still play it vs aggro

These tips hopefully increase your win rate, GL HF! 

Update 1 -1 Stampeding Kodo +1 Mind Control Tech

Mind Control Tech is a better body and has slightly better Brann Bronzebeard synergy.

Update 2 -2 Refreshment Vendor +2 Cult Apothecary. Better Brann Bronzebeard, and it does wonders vs shaman. -1 Siphon Soul +1Shadowflame. Vs Shaman, we need a way to come back, Mountain Giant  + Shadowflame  is simply op in this matchup. 

Update 3 -1 Defender of Argus, +1 Twisting Nether. Argus is akward without imp gang boss.

Update 4 -1 Mind Control Tech,  +1 Refreshment Vendor. Vs aggro, Refreshment Vendor helps quite a bit just by giving healing that you need before Lord Jaraxxus can rekt them.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 10, 2016 at 10:04 am

    Nice tips on the agro matchups. Back in hand locks hay-day I used to muligan for shield barer against shaman and coin it out, just to haras their totems.